How do I...?
Many answers to common questions about ICOS services, including Fileshare, mailing lists, and Carbon Portal services like the data portal, python libraries or Jupyter notebooks can be found within our documentation (help pages).
Something does not work at your website, who should I contact?
Please use the feedback form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Do I need to register for downloading ICOS data?
No, you can download data without registering an account. You will have to accept the ICOS data license every time you download data files.
Why should I register at ICOS Carbon Portal?
With an account, you can permanently accept the ICOS data license, so you don't have to accept it every time you download data.
Please note that all information in your account is strictly personal and secure, and that you can, at any time, delete your account and all the information related to it.
How can I register an account?
Please go to You can either log in using your Edugain credentials (tab: University sign in), Facebook or ORCID login (tab: Social sign in), or a email/password combination. In the latter case, you first should create an account using the Create account/forgot password tab on this page.
Can I use a visual representation of some data in a report or presentation?
Yes, just make sure that you provide the correct citation and respect the ICOS data license (CC BY).
What is so special about FAIR data?
FAIR stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. The so-called FAIR principles will help us to make the ICOS data available to more users, be it humans or machines. By following the FAIR principles we ensure that also in the long run ICOS data will remain available, can be found, understood and (re-)used by having the right metadata to go with it. You can read more at or
My question is not listed here, how can I get help?
Please use the feedback form. We will try to answer your question within 1-2 working days.