ICOS Spain

Mountain landscape at Izana

ICOS Spain is currently formed by two institutions, the State Meteorological Agency of Spain (AEMET) and QUIMA group of the Institute for Oceanography and Global Change (IOCAG) – University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). Other institutions such as the Mediterranean Center for Environmental Studies (CEAM), the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN), and the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA) will be incorporated into the national ICOS network in the coming years.

ICOS Spain has three labelled ICOS stations. AEMET manages the Izaña high mountain Atmosphere station on Canary Islands, where long-term background information on the concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere is provided. ULPGC manages a commercial ship line performing carbon dioxide measurements with equipment onboard between the Canary Islands, on the Atlantic Ocean, and Barcelona at the Mediterranean. National Institute of Aerospace Technology manages the El Arenosillo Atmosphere station. 

ICOS Spain aims to cover south-western Europe, extending the ICOS observations to the subtropical North Atlantic on the Canary Islands, including the Strait of Gibraltar where the connection of the two seas leads to a significant exchange of air and water masses.

Station Network

ICOS Spain stations in the map. Hover over the stations and the ship lines for more details.

Contact ICOS Spain

ICOS Spain Focal Points

Emilio Cuevas-Agulló, PhD Director
Izaña Atmospheric Research Centre (IARCT), Spain,
State Meteorological Agency of Spain (AEMET),
ecuevasa (at) aemet.es
+34 922 151 718

Melchor González-Dávila, PhD Professor,
Institute for Oceanography and Global Change (IOCAG),
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
melchor.gonzalez (at) ulpgc.es
+34 928 452 914

Station list