The ICOS stations are coordinated and run by the ICOS National Networks in 16 countries. The stations in the National Networks operate in three distinct domains: Atmosphere, Ecosystem and Ocean. Within each domain, a Thematic Centre coordinates the observations and supports the stations. The Central Analytical Laboratories provide gas analyses and calibration gases to stations. ICOS observations are coordinated by the Head Office, and the Carbon Portal is in charge of collecting and distributing ICOS data and derived products.
> Station Network
ICOS Station Network consists of more than 170 measurement stations in three domains located in 16 countries in Europe.
> Atmosphere observations
The network of ICOS atmosphere stations observes greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The data from the stations goes to the Atmosphere Thematic Centre. The Central Analytical Laboratories provide services for additional quality control and extended set of parameters.

The ICOS atmosphere station network includes 46 stations in 16 countries.

The atmosphere observations are coordinated by the Atmosphere Thematic Centre (ATC).

The ICOS Central Analytical Laboratories consists of the Flask and Calibration Laboratory (FCL) and the Central Radiocarbon Laboratory (CRL).
> Ecosystem observations
The network of ICOS ecosystem stations observes greenhouse gases, as well as living and non-living components and drivers responsible for the exchange of greenhouse gases, water and energy between ecosystems and the atmosphere. The data from the stations goes to the Ecosystem Thematic Centre.

The ICOS ecosystem station network consists of 98 stations in 16 countries.

The ecosystem observations are coordinated by the Ecosystem Thematic Centre (ETC).
> Ocean observations
The network of ICOS ocean stations observes surface ocean carbon levels to deliver the data needed to quantify the oceans role in planetary carbon cycling. The data from the stations goes to the Ocean Thematic Centre.

The network of ICOS Ocean stations includes 29 stations in eight countries.

The ocean observations are coordinated by the Ocean Thematic Centre (OTC).
> Carbon Portal
ICOS Carbon Portal offers free access to high-quality and standardised greenhouse gas data, as well as to scientific and educational products and services. The Carbon Portal is a ‘one-stop shop’ for all ICOS data products.
> Head Office
ICOS Head Office is the organisational hub of the entire ICOS research infrastructure. It manages the observations of the highly distributed ICOS structure.
> National Networks
The basis of ICOS’ operations is the measurement network that comprises more than 170 standardised stations in 16 European countries.
> ICOS Belgium
> ICOS Czech Republic
> ICOS Denmark
> ICOS Finland
> ICOS France
> ICOS Germany
> ICOS Greece
> ICOS Hungary
> ICOS Ireland
> ICOS Italy
> ICOS Netherlands
> ICOS Norway
> ICOS Spain
> ICOS Sweden
> ICOS Switzerland
> ICOS United Kingdom
> Projects
We participate in many external projects which in turn help us to be a cutting-edge research infrastructure.