ICOS operations are coordinated by ICOS ERIC, which is a specific legal entity for European Research Infrastructures created by the European Commission. ICOS ERIC is one of the currently existing ERICs and its head office is located in Helsinki, Finland.

ICOS ERIC consists of the Head Office, coordinating the research infrastructure's operations, and the Carbon Portal, collecting and distributing ICOS data and derived products, as well as of Director General, Research Infrastructure Committee, General Assembly, and Scientific and Ethical Advisory Boards.

On this page:

Director General

The Director General carries out the day-to-day management of ICOS ERIC and is responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly. The Director General is responsible for managing the staff and activities of the Head Office and the Carbon Portal. The current Director General of ICOS ERIC is Dr Werner Kutsch.

Head Office

ICOS Head Office is the organisational hub of the entire ICOS research infrastructure. The Head Office enables a coherent function of ICOS throughout its highly distributed structure by managing, informing and representing the research infrastructure.

> Read more about Head Office

Carbon Portal

Carbon Portal acts as the platform for the observational data and elaborated data products of the ICOS research infrastructure. It is a ‘one-stop shop’ for all ICOS data products, a place where ICOS data, along with ancillary data, can be openly accessed by anyone. The Director of Carbon Portal is Alex Vermeulen.

> Learn more about Carbon Portal

Research Infrastructure Committee

The representatives of the Head Office, Carbon Portal, Central Facilities and Monitoring Station Assemblies form a high-level advisory body called the Research Infrastructure Committee (RI Committee), which advises the Director General and the General Assembly on scientific and organisational matters concerning the research infrastructure.

Members of the ICOS RI Committee

Katri AhlgrenHead of Communications, ICOS ERIC Head Office
Carolina CantoniChair, ICOS Ocean Monitoring Station Assembly
Arnoud FrumauCo-Chair, ICOS Atmosphere Monitoring Station Assembly
Bert GielenExecutive Committee member, ICOS Ecosystem Thematic Centre
Alexander GrafCo-Chair, ICOS Ecosystem Monitoring Station Assembly
Samuel HammerHead, ICOS Central Radiocarbon Laboratory
Armin JordanHead, ICOS Flask and Calibration Laboratory
Natalia KowalskaChair, ICOS Ecosystem Monitoring Station Assembly
Dagmar KubistinChair, ICOS Atmosphere Monitoring Station Assembly
Werner Kutsch (Chair)Director General, ICOS ERIC
Harry LankreijerManagement and science, ICOS Carbon Portal
Dario PapaleDirector, ICOS Ecosystem Thematic Centre
Michel RamonetSenior Scientist, ICOS Atmosphere Thematic Centre
Gregor RehderCo-Chair, ICOS Ocean Monitoring Station Assembly
Leonard RivierDirector, ICOS Atmosphere Thematic Centre
Elena SaltikoffHead of Operations, ICOS ERIC Head Office
Richard SandersDirector, ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre
Alex VermeulenDirector, ICOS Carbon Portal

Andrew Watson

Vice Director, ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre

Last updated 11.12.2024

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the governing and decision-making body of ICOS ERIC. It is composed of representatives of the Member and Observer countries of ICOS ERIC.

Members of the ICOS General Assembly 

BelgiumGert VerreetDepartment of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI), Flemish Government
BelgiumAline van der WerfBelgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO)
Czech RepublicJiří KolmanGlobal Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CzechGlobe)
Czech RepublicMichal MarekGlobal Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CzechGlobe)
Czech RepublicJiří ŠvehlaMinistry of Education, Youth and Sports of Czech Republic
DenmarkMette Holm LinnetDanish Agency for Higher Education and Science
DenmarkAndreas IbromTechnical University of Denmark (DTU)
FinlandRitva Dammert (Vice Chair)University of Helsinki
FinlandPetteri KauppinenFinnish Ministry of Education and Culture
FinlandHannele KorhonenFinnish Meteorological Institute
FranceThierry CaquetFrench National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE)
FranceGaëlle DecroixThe French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
FranceJean-Francois DoussinNational Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
FranceJean-Marie FlaudFrench Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
GermanyMathias HerbstGerman Weather Service Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)
GermanyChristian Plass-Duelmer(Chair)German Weather Service Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)
GreeceIoannis GitasAristotle University of Thessaloniki
GreeceMichalopoulos NikolaosUniversity of Crete
GreeceNektarios ChrysoulakisFoundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)
HungaryLászló NemesNational Research, Development and Innovation Office
HungaryLászló HaszpraInstitute for Nuclear Research
IrelandFrank McGovernEnvironmental Protection Agency
IrelandMicheal YoungDepartment of Environment, Climate and Communications
IrelandNiamh McCarthyEnvironmental Protection Agency
ItalyCecilia Di CarloItalian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR)
ItalyGelsomina PappalardoNational Research Council (CNR)
ItalyRosella MarascoEuro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC)
The NetherlandsPaula BronsveldThe Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO
NorwayJon Børre ØrbækResearch Council of Norway
SpainCarlos Torres GarcíaState Meterological Agency of Spain (AEMET)
SpainMelchor González-DávilaInstitute of Oceanography and Global Change (IOCAG), University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
SpainMaría VallejoMinistry of Science and Innovation of Spain
SwedenUlf JonsellSwedish Research Council
SwedenSara MoaSwedish Research Council
SwitzerlandNina BuchmannETH Zürich
SwitzerlandMaarten LupkerThe State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)
United KingdomJon BlowerNational Oceanography Centre
United KingdomThomas HaynesNatural Environment Research Council (NERC)

Last updated 04.3.2025

Scientific Advisory Board & Ethical Advisory Board

The General Assembly has established two external bodies to provide advice on scientific and ethical matters: the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and the Ethical Advisory Board (EAB).

The role of the SAB is to give feedback and make recommendations to develop ICOS research infrastructure's activities on the scientific level, to advise ICOS ERIC on objectives in achieving the scientific goals of the ICOS, to provide programmatic support by commenting at overall science plans and directions, and to analyse the scientific results and impact of the ICOS RI. The role of the EAB is to advise and periodically report on ethical issues, such as scientific ethics, data-related ethical issues, discrimination issues or any kind of conflict of interest.

Members of the ICOS Scientific Advisory Board

Ankur Desai (Chair)Professor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin–Madison
John Miller (Co-Chair)Global Monitoring Division, NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Dorothee BakkerProfessor, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia (UK)
Philippe CiaisResearch Director, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environment (LSCE)
Eric KortAssociate Professor, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering,University of Michigan (USA)
Jackie MatthesSenior Scientist at Harvard Forest, Harvard University

Last updated 28.02.2025

Members of the ICOS Ethical Advisory Board

Steffen Foss HansenAssociate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, DTU
Ondřej HradilResearch Infrastructures Manager, Masaryk University
Seija OikarinenSpecialist, Research Services / Support for Research Management, University of Helsinki
Christophe VerbruggenDirector of the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities and Associate Professor in the research unit Social History since 1750

Last updated 28.02.2025