ICOS and its partner universities and institutes provide education on greenhouse gas science on atmosphere, ecosystems and oceans in several ways.

School students and the general public are being introduced to basic principles of programming with use cases related to the carbon cycle and the consequences of climate change (e.g. global warming, drought). Notebooks showcasing different methods of scientific analysis applied on ICOS data have been produced as exercise material for university courses (BSc, MSc & PhD).

The biennial ICOS Summer School on greenhouse gases is organised in Hyytiälä, Finland in the doorstep of three ICOS atmosphere and ecosystem measurement stations. The school is mainly aimed for international PhD students, but also welcomes the staff working at ICOS stations.

This series of webinars will guide you to find, preview and use ICOS data. The series starts with a gentle introduction to the web services and will gradually, over the course of series, shift the focus from finding data objects and simple plots towards data science. Each webinar is self-contained with a different focus, hence you can pick and choose.

Recorded workshops, webinars and trainings on atmospheric, ecosystem and ocean science & research and data.