Jupyter is a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) incorporating a collection of tools for interactive computing and sharing of computational ideas. In ICOS, Jupyter is utilised in multiple ways. It serves as a collaboration platform between researchers and scientists working with ICOS data sets and as information platform for policy makers and the public. Finally, Jupyter functions as an educational platform for explaining complex climate-related environmental processes based on ICOS data sets.
The easiest way to access our Jupyter notebooks for exploring and analysing ICOS data for scientific and educational purposes is our public Exploredata Jupyter Hub. The password is provided when you attend one of our webinars or you can request a password for exploredata. We have many examples to explore, ranging from how to access data and create interactive plots, to a quiz about the carbon cycle, or an example of a PHD-Course.
Our collaborative Jupyter Hub service for registered users offers advanced options like sharing notebooks and data between users, uploading own data for analysis together with ICOS data, and permanent storage of notebooks and data. This service is continuously expanded in close consultation with our users to support their scientific analysis and interpretation of ICOS data and products.
Information about our Jupyter Service, how it is set up and a short introduction on how to use Notebooks is available in the Documentation. All our examples are available on Github. Simplified access to ICOS data is available with a public available Python library which of course is available inside our Jupyter Notebooks.
If you have a project idea and are interested in using our collaboration service to do research with ICOS data and elaborated products, we can offer you a collaboration space, which allows groups of users to have a shared space which is only visible to the members of the group. Please tell us bit about the project and apply here for a new project.
If you were invited to join an existing project, you need to apply for a personal account first. If you already have a personal account, apply here to join the existing project.
If you have a general question, send us an email to jupyter-info (at) icos-ri.eu.