Programme & speakers

ICOS Cities
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TIME: Tuesday 19th of November 9 am - 14.30 pm CET
LOCATION: Barcelona, Spain, and online
ADDRESS: Hotel H10 Universitat, Ronda Universitat, 21, 08007, Barcelona
REGISTRATION: Sign up here
Free event, coffee breaks & lunch included

We will soon announce all the speakers.
Facilitators: Emmanuel Salmon, Head of Strategy & International Cooperation, ICOS RI 
& Barbara Dias Carneiro, PhD Researcher, Technical University of Munich

9.00-9.15 WELCOME 
Introductory speech. 
Speaker will be announced soon.

Success stories and good practices from European cities in accelerating climate action
Speaker will be announced soon. 

9.30-10.30 Q&A Scientists solving city challenges part 1
Can we assess our city’s climate action progress using greenhouse gas measurements?

  • Hugo Denier van der Gon, Principal Scientist Air Quality and Environment, TNO 

Top scientists panelists answering questions - the panelists will be announced soon. 

10.30-11.00 COFFEE BREAK with light brunch

11.00-12.00 Q&A Scientists solving city challenges part 2
Climate challenges of the city of Barcelona - how can science be of help for cities following up on climate actions?

  • Elena Lacort, Head of the Office of Climate Change, Barcelona Metropolitan Area
  • Gara Villalba, Professor of the Department of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Marc Guevara Established researcher, Earth Sciences - Emissions, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

What are the opinions and challenges of city officials and residents concerning climate policies? 

  • European Social Survey highlights
    Agustin Blanco, PhD Investigator, University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, European Social Survey
  • Policymaker interviews highlights - Zurich, Munich and Paris
    Barbara Dias-Carneiro, PhD researcher, Technical University of Munich

12.00-12.30 Engagement activity part 1: Tools, services and prototypes for accelerating climate action in cities 
Introduction: What tools and services are needed for accelerating climate action by monitoring greenhouse gas emissions? 
Katie Berns, Post-doctoral Researcher, Aalto University & Tatu Marttila, Senior University Lecturer, Aalto University


12.45-14.00 Engagement activity part 2: World Café - tools, services and prototypes for accelerating climate action in cities 
A World Café interactive session where the attendees get to evaluate and co-design tools and prototypes that can help accelerate and assess climate action through greenhouse gas monitoring.

Theme 1: Making emissions data transferable and usable
Prototype: e.g mock-up of scenario development tool

Theme 2: Communicating data to support policy development
Prototype: e.g paper prototype of data visualisation

Theme 3: Facilitating collaboration within and between cities
Prototype: e.g dashboard for sharing success/failure stories

Presentations & wrap-up (20 mins)

  • Each facilitator presents an overview of the results from each table
  • Finnish with open discussion

14.00- Lunch!

Please save the date in your calendar and register for the free event now - onsite or online - there is a limited number of seats. Free lunch will also be served. Please register here by Friday 18th of October: