Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Mole Fractions of CO2 collected by the ICOS ATC, covering the period 1972-2024, including final quality-controlled Level 2 ICOS data, release 2024-1 and NRT data up to 29 July 2024. During the most recent period, a selected set of stations, after being labelled as ICOS stations, observations follow the ICOS Atmospheric Station specification V2.0. Measurements and data processing for all time series is described in Ramonet et al., 2020. All concentrations are calibrated to the WMO CO2 X2019 mole fraction scale in mole/mole.
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ICOS RI, Bergamaschi, P., Colomb, A., De Mazière, M., Emmenegger, L., Kubistin, D., Lehner, I., Lehtinen, K., Leuenberger, M., Lund Myhre, C., Marek, M.V., O'Doherty, S., Platt, S.M., Plaß-Dülmer, C., Ramonet, M., Rennick, C., Schmidt, M., Zähle, S., Apadula, F., Arnold, S., Blanc, P.-E., Brunner, D., Chen, H., Chmura, Ł., Chmura, L., Conil, S., Cristofanelli, P., Di Iorio enea, T., Forster, G., Frumau, A., Gerbig, C., Gheusi, F., Hammer, S., Haszpra, L., Hatakka, J., Heliasz, M., Hensen, A., Hoheisel, A., Kneuer, T., Larmanou, E., Laurila, T., Leskinen, A., Levin, I., Levula, J., Lindauer, M., Lopez, M., Lunder, C., Mammarella, I., Manca, G., Manning, A., Martin, D., Meinhardt, F., Molnár, M., Mölder, M., Müller-Williams, J., Noe, S.M., Nęcki, J., Ottosson-Löfvenius, M., Philippon, C., Piacentino, S., Pitt, J., Rivas-Soriano, P., Scheeren, B., Schumacher, M., Sha, M.K., Smith, P., Spain, G., Steinbacher, M., Sørensen, L.L., Vermeulen, A., Vítková, G., Xueref-Remy, I., Zaehle, S., di Sarra, A., Conen, F., Henne, S., Kazan, V., Roulet, Y.-A., Biermann, T., Delmotte, M., Heltai, D., Hermansen, O., Komínková, K., Laurent, O., Marklund, P., Morguí, J.-A., Pichon, J.-M., Sferlazzo, D., Stanley, K., Trisolino, P., Zazzeri, G., ICOS Carbon Portal, ICOS Atmosphere Thematic Centre, ICOS Flask And Calibration Laboratory, ICOS Flask And Calibration Laboratory, ICOS Central Radiocarbon Laboratory, 2024. European Obspack compilation of atmospheric carbon dioxide data from ICOS and non-ICOS European stations for the period 1972-2024; obspack_co2_466_GVeu_v10.0_20240729.