COCO2 presentation
RIUrbans presentation
ICOS Cities presentation
Monitoring of emissions on an urban scale is a hot research-topic within several ongoing EU-projects, such as CoCO2 (Copernicus CO2), COINS (Copernicus Observations In Situ), ICOS Cities (Pilot Application in Urban Landscapes), and RI-URBANS (“turning clean air into reality”). In this talk, we will connect these research projects and present the work done on ground-based in situ observations, emission inventories and satellite data. The information sources are combined in sophisticated computer models to help verify emission estimates of sources and sinks of greenhouse gases.
Prof. Tuukka Petäjä has over 20 years of research experience related to experimental atmospheric sciences. His scientific interests include urban air quality, atmospheric aerosol particles, climate change, comprehensive and long-term observations. He has published over 550 peer reviewed articles with a total citations 28900, h-factor of 80. Petäjä is the co-coordinator of RI-URBANS (Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS) connecting pan European ACTRIS with urban air quality monitoring networks. He is the Head of ACTRIS-Finland.
Dr. Glen Peters is a Senior Research at CICERO. He performs research on the causes of recent changes in carbon dioxide emission trends at the global and country level, and how these changes link to future emission pathways consistent with global climate objectives. He was a Lead Author for the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on emission scenarios (WG3 Chapter 3) and on the Executive Team of the Global Carbon Budget.
Dr. Claudio D’Onofrio is currently managing the ICOS Cities / PAUL project, which is building a blueprint for an urban monitoring and verification system for greenhouse gases. He is a Data Scientist at Lund University, working at the ICOS Carbon Portal with a focus on data life cycle, data FAIRness, provenance, and tracking of meta data and data. Additionally, he is leading the development of a python library to simplify access to ICOS meta data, data and observations. He got 20 years of experience of working in Information Technology within the private sector before entering the academic world with an MSc in human computer interaction and a PhD in engineering.
ICOS Cities Talks is a webinar series on greenhouse gas measurement and climate change in urban landscapes. In the series, international experts representing various fields will present a current topic for 30 minutes, followed by a Q&A session and a discussion. Check out all the ICOS Cities talks here!
This talk is the second part of a new ICOS Cities Talks series:
Three talks about Urban Monitoring and Verification Systems (UMVS)
The series is co-produced with the COINS project, RI-URBANS and CoCO2. The series will finish with a live panel discussion focusing on questions related to real-time monitoring of climate action plans. It will be hosted live at the ICOS Cities annual meeting and will be open for online participation as well.