The first WMO International Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Symposium will take place in Geneva from 30.1 to 1.2.2023. The symposium will gather high-level climate scientists from all over the world to collaborate on developing an upcoming greenhouse gas monitoring infrastructure.
Backed up by a decision from the parties at COP27, the future greenhouse gas monitoring infrastructure is essential to step up the global fight against climate change. It will be the bridge between the scientific community and policy-makers, bringing actionable data and the latest available science to the heart of the climate mitigation process. Scientifically, the new infrastructure aims at delivering standardised, consolidated, FAIR monthly estimates of greenhouse gas fluxes at a resolution of 100 by 100 kilometres through enhanced scientific cooperation and global coordination. From the policy point-of-view, it will also renew the climate value chain by allowing authorities to improve the accuracy of their inventories, make climate mitigation decisions based on high-resolution monthly data, assess the implemented actions and adjust them in near-real time.
ICOS will be present at the symposium for presentations and poster sessions. You can attend the event remotely, free of charge, by requesting access here https://wmo-int.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_croxWZBhRxWisGK_vlvYPA
You will find the ICOS-related presentations and poster sessions below. The agenda of the symposium is available here https://community.wmo.int/meetings/wmo-international-greenhouse-gas-monitoring-symposium
30.1, 9:30 Session 1
Keynote #1 (15 min) – Towards near real-time carbon budgets
Philippe Ciais, Researcher, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
Linking regional to global greenhouse gas budgets in RECCAP2
Ana Bastos, Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry
31.1, Session 2
Keynote #2 (15 min) – Operationalize surface ocean carbon observations to better constrain the global carbon budget
Andrew J. Watson, Professor, University of Exeter & ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre
FAIR and open data access, the ICOS experience
Alex Vermeulen, Director, ICOS Carbon Portal
ICOS - The Integrated Carbon Observation System in Europe
Elena Saltikoff, Head of Operations, ICOS
Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) – the operational in-situ network for standardised greenhouse gas fluxes in Europe
Marilyn Roland, Researcher, University of Antwerpen
Inside a network to measure surface ocean greenhouse gases – the monitoring station view (ICOS OCE-MSA)(pdf) and audio version.
Meike Becker, Researcher, University of Bergen
The Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS): the operational in-situ network for high-precision atmospheric greenhouse gas observations in Europe
Paolo Cristofanelli, Senior Researcher, ISAC Bologna
Cross-domain data from ICOS and related data sources track the fate of methane from the gas leakages of the North Stream I and II pipelines
Henry Bittig, Researcher, Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research
The CO2 emission monitoring system of the ICOS-Cities project for the city of Zurich
Dominik Brunner, Group Leader, EMPA
Comparability of greenhouse gas mixing ratios obtained by in-situ and remote measurements techniques at Izaña Atmospheric Observatory in different scenarios (pdf), audio version, video version.
Sergio Fabián León Luis, Researcher, Izaña Atmospheric Research Centre
International inter-comparisons of surface ocean pCO2 instrumentation –implications for a global surface ocean CO2 observatory
Tobias Steinhoff, Senior Engineer for ocean observations, Norce