This week ICOS Carbon Portal published new and updated major data products. This next to the regular Near Real Time daily updates from all ICOS domains. The new data products are highlighted at our Main Data Products page.
First of all we updated the Obspack EU product containing updated CO2 and CH4 measurements from all ICOS atmosphere stations, up to 1 February 2024. The Obspack EU product includes data from 60 (also non-ICOS) stations, with historic data up to the station labelling date, complemented with ICOS final quality controlled (Level 2) and ICOS near-real time data, going back as far as 1972.
An extensive dataset is the FLUXCOM-X dataset, total size more than 3 Terabytes, that provides global data at high resolution of GPP, NEE, water vapor and evapotranspiration data generated by combining ecosystem flux data with e.g. satellite data through machine learning models. This data is provided by the BGC group of the Max Planck institute in Jena, Germany. Data is provided at several temporal and spatial resolutions, tailored to the different uses, from 0.05 degree (5x10 km) to 0.5 degree spatial and daily to monthly, for the period 1960 until 2020. The BGC group will update this dataset regularly to include more years of data and using improved model methods.
Another exciting dataset is the harmonized dataset from the 14 participating model atmospheric inversion model systems that participated in the Global Carbon Project's 2022 CO2 budget. The datasets provides (interpolated) 1x1 degree monthly prior and optimized fluxes, for the period 1960-2022.