New data releases

06 August 2019
HYY NEE example

ICOS atmosphere Level 2 final quality data, release 2019-1, meteorological data and atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4, CO and 14C at 19 stations (49 vertical levels) up to May 2019:

Data search. Product overview page. Data citation:

ICOS RI. (2019, August 1). ICOS Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Mole Fractions of CO2, CH4, CO, 14CO2 and Meteorological Observations September 2015 - April 2019 for 19 stations (49 vertical levels), final quality controlled Level 2 data (Version 1.0). ICOS ERIC - Carbon Portal.

ICOS Ecosystem Level 2 final quality data, release 2019-1. eddy covariance and meteo data for 3 stations.

Data search. Data citation:

ICOS Research Infrastructure. (2019, July 4). Ecosystem eddy covariance final quality (L2) flux product in ETC-Archive format - release 2019-1 (Version 1.0). ICOS Carbon Portal.

Drought data release of eddy covariance flux data for 28 stations starting 1996 up until 2019

Data search. Data citation:

Drought 2018 Team, & ICOS Ecosystem Thematic Centre. (2019, July 11). Drought-2018 ecosystem eddy covariance flux product in FLUXNET-Archive format - release 2019-1 (Version 1.0). ICOS Carbon Portal.

Hourly CO2 emissions based on EDGAR 4.3 and BP statistics 2019 for 2006-2019:

Data search. Data citation:

Karstens, U. (2019). Global anthropogenic CO2 emissions for 2006-2019 based on EDGARv4.3 and BP statistics 2019. (Version 2.0). ICOS ERIC - Carbon Portal.