Conference: Time series analysis in environmental science and applications to climate change
Dates: 10th - 11th November 2016
Location: Tromsø, Norway
The second conference for “Time series analysis” will focus on the implication of climate change on the environment, including land, sea and atmosphere. Conference gathers scientists from a range of disciplines in Earth Sciences based on regular and constant in-situ measurements, and provides a discussion forum in the field of time series analysis and forecasting.
The conference is part of a series of conferences gathering a wide community to be integrated in the ESONET-Vi (-the vision) consortium that builds upon ESONET, EuroSITES, EMSO, FixO3 and ENVRIPLUS partners, extending worldwide.
Conference themes:
- Marine environment and connections with land and atmosphere (sea ice, atmospheric measurement, foraminifera, biogeochemistry)
- Sea level
- Methane measurements and analysis
- Ocean carbon cycle
- Mathematical tools to understand climate change
Programme and more information on registration:
Time Series Conference, Tromsø
10 November 2016 to 11 November 2016