ICOS will participate to the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 (EGU18) again this year. The EGU brings together geoscientists from around the world covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences to one meeting in Vienna, Austria from 8th until 13th April 2018.
At the EGU, ICOS is coordinating a joint booth of the European Environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRI) community. The booth will serve as a meeting point for the community but also as a place where the science community can learn more about the Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastructures. The Research Infrastructures will present themselves and their services through the talks organized around the grand challenges. The talks will be held during the lunch hour from 12 till 13:30 at the ENVRI booth, which is located at the same spot as last year - booths 2&3, right next to the entrance to the EGU venue. ICOS will give presentations during three days - ICOS Director General Werner Kutsch discusses about food security on Tuesday, followed by Klaudia Ziemblińska from the Poznań University of Life Sciences on extreme events on Wednesday, and continued by Janne-Markus Rintala of ICOS about life below water & the Arctic on Thursday.
The wide ICOS community will contribute to the scientific programme at the EGU by giving several oral and poster presentations, some which are listed below.
ICOS community-related sessions and posters
Monday 9th April
BG1.9 Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem disturbance – effects on GHG budgets (oral)
Convener: Ana Meijide | Co-Conveners: Tonya Del Sontro, Lukas Hoertnagl, Bert Gielen, Lutz Merbold
Posters / Attendance Mon, 09 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Hall A
BG1.9 Cooperation between the Swedish national networks of ICOS, ACTRIS and NordSpec (poster)
Maj-Lena Linderson, Janne Rinne, Lars Eklundh, Erik Swietlicki, Anders Lindroth, Jutta Holst, Adam Kristensson, Hans-Christen Hansson, and Radovan Krejci
SSS11.8 Variation in SOC stocks as explained by soil forming factors at the ICOS site Sorø, Denmark (oral)
Ingeborg Callesen, Marion Schrumpf, Lars Vesterdal, Andreas Magnussen, Michel Vorenhout, and Klaus Steenberg Larsen
Tuesday 10th April
AS3.17/BG1.28 Global Carbon Observations and their Use for Research and Decision-Making (co-organized) (oral)
Convener: Phil DeCola | Co-Conveners: Jack Kaye, Jane Burston, Shuangxi Fang, Oksana Tarasova
Posters / Attendance Tue, 10 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Hall X5
AS3.17/BG1.28 Towards a second phase of the Regional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes (RECCAP) (oral)
Ana Bastos, Philippe Ciais, Josep Canadell, Frédéric Chevallier, Pierre Friedlingstein, Martin Jung, Markus Reichstein, Stephen Sitch, and Chao Yue
AS3.17/BG1.28 Using global satellite and in-situ information to constrain CO2 emissions (oral)
Philippe Ciais, Thomas Lauvaux, Felix Vogel, Yasjka Meijer, Yilong Wang, Franck Lespinas, Max Reuter, Michael Buchwitz, Grégoire Broquet, and François Marie Bréon
AS3.17/BG1.28 ICOS and global initiatives working towards policy-relevant, coordinated carbon and greenhouse gas observations (poster)
Werner Leo Kutsch, Jouni Heiskanen, Alex Vermeulen, Eija Juurola, Leonard Rivier, Dario Papale, Truls Johannessen, Armin Jordan, and Samuel Hammer
BG2.15 The greenhouse gas balance of a managed boreal landscape measured from a tall tower in northern Sweden (poster)
Jinshu Chi, Mats Nilsson, Jörgen Wallerman, Johan Fransson, Natascha Kljun, Anders Lindroth, Hjalmar Laudon, Tomas Lundmark, and Matthias Peichl
ESSI2.8/GI1.6 Environmental physical and data infrastructures: practices, access and technologies – towards system level understanding (co-organized) (oral)
Convener: Ari Asmi | Co-Conveners: Magdalena Brus, Zhiming Zhao, Markus Stocker
Posters / Attendance Wed, 11 Apr, 15:30–17:00 / Hall X3
GI2.6/AS4.20/EMRP4.7/NH11.11 222Rn as tracer for climate studies: from the enlargement of the atmospheric network to the scientific applications (oral)
Claudia Grossi, Arturo Vargas, Roger Curcoll, Josep-Anton Morguì, Felix Vogel, Juan Pedro Bolivar, and Vicenzo Mangulo
Wednesday 11th April
BG2.10/SSS13.10 Transport processes of greenhouse and reactive gases in soils: measurements and modelling (co-organized) (oral)
Convener: Jukka Pumpanen | Co-Conveners: Bernard Longdoz, Martin Maier, Nicholas Nickerson
Posters / Attendance Wed, 11 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Hall A
BG2.29 Behind the stability of boreal bog carbon sink: Compositional and functional variation of vegetation across temporal and spatial scales (oral)
Aino Korrensalo, Pavel Alekseychik, Tomáš Hájek, Raija Laiho, Ivan Mammarella, Lauri Mehtätalo, Janne Rinne, Timo Vesala, and Eeva-Stiina Tuittila
BG2.29 Peatlands under pressure (oral)
Convener: Annalea Lohila | Co-Conveners: Leif Klemedtsson, Juul Limpens, Mats Nilsson, Eeva-Stiina Tuittila
Posters / Attendance Wed, 11 Apr, 15:30–17:00 / Hall A
Thursday 12th April
AS2.2/SSS13.3 Air-Land Interactions (General Session) (co-sponsored by iLEAPS) (co-organized) (oral)
Convener: Marc Aubinet | Co-Conveners: Andreas Ibrom, Thomas Foken, Christoph Thomas
Posters / Attendance Thu, 12 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Hall X5
AS2.2/SSS13.3 Forest net ecosystem CO2 exchange in sloping terrain as derived by ed dy covariance (oral)
Georg Jocher, Pavel Sedlák, Ladislav Šigut, Milan Fischer, and Marian Pavelka
Friday 13th April
BG2.25 Forests and the methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) cycles (PICO)
Convener: Katerina Machacova | Co-Conveners: Sunitha Pangala, Vincent Gauci, Mari Pihlatie