GEO Week 2017
Dates: 23rd to 27th October 2017
Location: Washington, D.C., USA
The GEO Week, consisting of a plenary, several side-events, and an exhibition, will highlight the role, applications and opportunities to use Earth Observations (EO) in delivering 'Insight for a changing world', through the use and applications of EO in both the public and private sectors for the benefit of humankind.
GEO-Week XIV also features the GEO Exhibition, which is open to the public. ICOS and ENVRIplus will co-coordinate a booth at the Exhibition, to introduce the ENVRI community and show examples of Environmental Research Infrastructures and their contributions to Global Networks as well as to GEO Flagships and Initiatives.
Throughout the week, ICOS will also co-organize two side-events with a high-level participation from the European Commission and the GEO Secretariat.