Registration: ICOS Cities Talks, 100 Climate Neutral Cities

Registration form header picture, urban views from Paris, Munich, and Zurich


100 Climate Neutral Cities

TIME: Wednesday 9 October 2024 at 9 am CEST


SPEAKER: Wiebke Pankauke, Head of Unit for Future Urban and Mobility Systems, European Commission DG RTD 

THE TOPIC: What is the current status of the 100 Climate Neutral Cities mission? Wiebke Pankauke, Head of Unit for Future Urban and Mobility Systems, European Commission DG RTD, will give an insight into the phases of the mission, the results and experiences. Pankauke coordinates the Commission’s team working on the EU Mission for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities.

ICOS Cities Talks is a webinar series on greenhouse gas measurement and climate change in urban landscapes. In the series, international experts representing various fields will present a current topic for 30 minutes, followed by a Q&A session and a discussion. Check out all the ICOS Cities talks here!

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