Location: Southeast Czech Republic
Type: Ecosystem measurements
Greenhouse gases measured by ICOS: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrious oxide (N2O), methane (CH4)
ICOS Lanžhot station is located in a lowland floodplain forest, a forest that is in kind of a transition between dry and wet environment. Water flow in floodplain forests are often managed by people, which can change the behavior of the whole forest. Generally, changes in the water flow and alterations to the high and low flows, as well as building dams and extracting water from rivers have resulted in serious worsening of floodplain forests and their greenhouse gas balance across the world.
Artificial lakes built around Lanžhot have changed the water flow in the area over the years. In addition, air temperature at Lanžhot has increased and draughts occur more often due to climate change. Warming climate can also affect the balance of greenhouse gases in the floodplain forest. ICOS observations at Lanžhot bring needed knowledge on how the floodplain forest behaves in an altered environment and in the course of ongoing climate change.
ICOS Lanžhot station is part of the ICOS Ecosystem Network, which is working towards understanding the processes behind the exchange of energy and greenhouse gases between the ecosystems and the atmosphere. In Lanžhot, ICOS measures cover most important greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrious oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) which are the main greenhouse gases contributing to the enhanced greenhouse effect.