ICOS scientists selected for Global Greenhouse Gas Watch Task Teams

26 February 2025
Alex (left) and Richard (right)

ICOS is pleased to share that Alex Vermeulen (Director of ICOS Carbon Portal, left) and Richard Sanders (Director of ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre, right) have been selected as members of the World Meteorological Organization’s Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (WMO G3W) implementation Task Teams. 

Alex joins the Networks and Data Task Teams, while Richard is part of the Networks Task Team. 

Gathering global monitoring expertise

The purpose of the Task Teams is to work on priority activities to begin implementing G3W. The G3W system, due to be partly up and running in 2027, is designed to track greenhouse gases across the globe, particularly CO2.

G3W Task Teams - TT-G3W-Data, TT-G3W-Modelling and TT-G3W-Networks - are comprised of representatives of all WMO Regions with technical expertise in ground-based, satellite and ocean observations and network planning across different domains and platforms.

The work of the Task Teams addresses technical components of the system related to observational networks, data management and modelling. 

Alex and Richard’s participation in the Task Teams ensures that ICOS data and expertise will directly contribute to the formation of G3W.

Global Greenhouse Gas Watch is taking shape

Slated to launch in 2028, G3W is a global initiative which will provide near real-time data on greenhouse gas concentrations covering all continents. G3W brings together a global network of satellite operators, surface-based observation systems and modelling expertise to gather the best existing knowledge and technology.

The aim is to compile monthly data on greenhouse gas observations at a 100 km x 100 km grid on a global scale, with the eventual goal of reaching a 1km x 1km grid in the next decade. G3W data will support greenhouse gas inventories with dynamic, timely and geographically detailed data using observations, data management and modelling.

Existing technology and expertise from ICOS and Copernicus are set to form the European pillar of G3W.

A group of colorful labels

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G3W implementation timeline (Source: WMO)

Implementation of G3W is progressing. The Modeling and Data task teams are meeting in March 2025 for a G3W Global Data Providers Workshop, which is focused on engaging data providers to enhance GHG monitoring capabilities. 

Congratulations to Alex and Richard! 

Read more about the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch in FLUXES Volume 3