IMPORTANT: All posters must be uploaded to our virtual conference platform two weeks before the start of the Conference.
The deadline for uploading PDF posters is 30th August 2022, 23:59 CEST.
The deadline for uploading oral presentations (PowerPoint slides) is 7th September 2022, 23:59 CEST.
Oral Presentation Instructions
Click here for the detailed guidelines for oral presenters.
- Maximum speaking time per presenter: 15 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for questions (for plenary speakers 20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions).
- Presentations should be prepared in a widescreen format, with a 16:9 ratio.*
- Supported file formats are
- .ppt with embedded fonts**
- .pptx with embedded fonts
- .pdf.
- File size: max. 10MB.
- If you want to add videos/animation to your presentation, please make a separate file of them in .ppt format.
* Instructions for changing slide size: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/change-the-size-of-your-slides-040a811c-be43-40b9-8d04-0de5ed79987e
** Instructions for embedding fonts: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/embed-fonts-in-documents-or-presentations-cb3982aa-ea76-4323-b008-86670f222dbc
Please upload your oral presentation here (note: uploading a presentation in advance is mandatory, final upload date is 7th September 2022, 23:59 CEST): https://e.eventos.fi/forms/icos/fa33c17e-16f3-11ed-a018-ee6a04371b85
Poster Presentation Instructions
Click here for the detailed guidelines for poster presenters.
- All poster presentations (both in-person and online) at ICOS Science Conference 2022 are each given a short PICO-style oral presentation (similar to an elevator pitch) summarising their poster, which will be livestreamed. There is no need to prepare a secondary PowerPoint presentation.
- Maximum speaking time per presenter: 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for questions.
- Posters should be prepared in a portrait fashion (this applies to both virtual and in-person participation).
- For in-person participants: the size of the poster boards at TivoliVredenburg is 95cm x 125cm. We recommend you print your poster in portrait, size A0. Please print and bring the poster with you, in addition to uploading your digital copy 2 weeks before the Conference.
- Please do not use too small a font size (no smaller than 12pt.) as these posters will be read from a computer screen or other digital device. Please test your poster in your own screen to make sure it is easily readable.
- Supported file format is .pdf.
- File size: max. 10MB.
Please upload your poster presentation here: https://e.eventos.fi/forms/icos/5511f10a-f218-11ec-a018-ee6a04371b85
Once submitted, you can edit your submission until 5th September 2022, 23:59 CEST