On this page you will find the most up to date programme of the ICOS Science Conference 2022. The programme is organised around 8 themes all under the overarching theme of "Tracking progress to carbon neutrality". You can read more about each theme and subtheme on the Session Themes page or about the Programme Committee here.
For an easy to read "programme at a glance" click here.
Social Programme:
- Monday 12th September: Registration and Icebreaker event
- Tuesday 13th September: Opening concert
- Wednesday 14th September: Conference dinner
Details of the social programme can be found on the social programme webpage.
Monday, 12th September, 2022
14:00 - 18:00 - Badge pickup (TivoliVredenburg): On-site participants are able to collect their badges from the conference venue. We hope the majority of on-site participants will pick up their badges during these hours to avoid delays and disruption to the conference programme on Tuesday morning.
16:00 - 18:00 - Icebreaker (TivoliVredenburg): Are you arriving in Utrecht already on Monday 12th September? Come meet the other Science Conference participants and get acquainted with the venue already in advance during our Icebreaker event! Complimentary drinks are also included.
Tuesday, 13th September, 2022
Plenary sessions
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
Plenary speakers
- 9:00 | Opening words, Director General Werner Kutsch ICOS ERIC HO.
- 9:25 | 290. Erkens, Gilles: Writing history: CO2 respiration due to 1,000 years of Dutch coastal peatlands cultivation
- 9:50 | 237. Agusti-Panareda, Anna: The CoCO2 global nature run as an evaluation tool of the integrated earth system model to support the monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions
10:15 | Coffee break
- 10:45 | 283. Miller, John: US fossil fuel-CO2 emissions based on measurements of atmospheric radiocarbon
- 11:10 | 249. Steinhoff, Tobias: Results from the 1st ICOS OTC pCO2 instrument inter-comparison 2021
- 11:35 | 72. Jocher, Georg: Addressing forest canopy decoupling on a global scale
12:00 | Lunch break
Lunch Poster Sessions
Poster presentations
- 13:00 - 14:00
Poster Session 1
The abstracts in this session fall under the theme A.2 Drivers of GHG fluxes from productive and managed peatlands: measurements, modelling and mitigation. For the full abstracts, see the list of all abstracts.
Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 48. Wintjen, Pascal: Methane and nitrous oxide eddy covariance flux measurements above an intensively managed grassland on organic soil
- 119. Vahter, Hanna: Drainage impact on greenhouse gas fluxes from drained nutrient-rich organic soils under grasslands in the hemiboreal zone
- 143. Rautakoski, Helena: Several years of automatic chamber data reveal large temporal and spatial variation in peatland forest N₂O fluxes
- 148. Nielsen, Claudia: Harvest frequency affects carbon balances beyond the factor of carbon removal on a wet riparian fen, cultivated with Phalaris arundinacea
- 187. Lohila, Annalea: Short-term impact of forest harvesting on CO2 fluxes at a fertile forestry-drained peatland
- 190. Frumau, Arnoud: Feasibility of long-term EC measurements for N2O. The MIRO Multi-compound Gas Analyzer evaluated at a Dutch peatland
- 201. Heuts, Tom: Carbon emission hotspots detected by a network of automated GHG flux chambers and eddy co-variance on a regional-scale
Poster Session 2
The abstracts in this session fall under theme C.3 Utilizing eddy covariance flux networks for improved understanding of carbon-water relationships at multiple spatial and temporal scales . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 42. Dare-Idowu, Oluwakemi: Estimation of carbon fluxes over crops using in situ measurements and a land surface model
- 105. Burba, George: 2100+ CO2 and H2O Flux Measurements Across the Globe: Sitting on a Golden Egg?
- 193. Acosta, Manuel: Eddy Covariance station in flooded rice filed in Vietnam: preliminary results
- 205. Zhang, Meng: Atmospheric CO2 flux variability over a temperate tidal flat revealed by Eddy Covariance measurements
- 209. Tharaga, Phumudzo: Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency of Rainfed Sweet Cherry Trees in the Eastern Free State
- 269. Theanutti Kallingal, Jalisha: A multisite data assimilation framework for Optimising the CH4 simulations from LPJ-GUESS
- 274. Tomelerri, Enrico: On the need to account for the eddy covariance footprint variability while integrating ecosystem fluxes with high-resolution earth observations
- 277. Ratcliffe, Joshua: CO2 flux dynamics across a boreal peatland complex: Spatial variability matters
Poster Session 3
The abstracts in this session fall under themes C.4 New developments in mapping regional CO2 fluxes . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 56. Curcoll, Roger: Improved metrology of low cost sensors CO2 measurements and their application for observing CO2 fluxes from Steady-State-Through (SS-TF) chambers.
- 83. Zhao, Junbin: Carbon sink strength of Norway spruce forests in Europe: present and future
- 88. Hutjes, Ronald: Greenhouse gas balance of fen meadow landscapes using airborne flux measurements
- 151. Lainela, Silvie: Seasonal dynamics and regional distribution patterns of CO2 and CH4 in the north-eastern Baltic Sea
- 181. Luchetta, Anna: Upgrade of the marine station PALOMA (North Adriatic Sea) in order to better determine air-sea CO2 regional fluxes in a coastal area.
- 221. Wu, Zhendong: Retrieving the global mean surface CO2 level from the GAW in-situ network
- 258. Rubli, Pascal: Operation of the ICOS-Cities urban CO2 sensor network in Zurich, Switzerland
- 262. Aalto, Tuula: The terrestrial prior flux estimates of CO2 and CH4 for atmospheric inversions
Parallel Session 1
The abstracts in this session fall under theme A.2 Drivers of GHG fluxes from productive and managed peatlands: measurements, modelling and mitigation . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 14:00 | 81. Gerin, Stephanie: Two full years of continuous N2O and CO2 fluxes measured by eddy covariance technique in a shallow drained agricultural boreal peatland during a warm and traditional winter
- 14:18 | 230. Lippman, Tanya: Modelling peatland vegetation, CO2 and CH4 emissions in the context of peatland restoration
- 14:36| 188. van den Berg, Merit: Modelling CO2 emissions from drained peat meadows with the PEATLAND-VU model
- 15:54| 171. Aben, Ralf: How do CO2 fluxes relate to groundwater table on a yearly and seasonal scale in Dutch drained peatlands used for dairy farming?
15:30 | Coffee break
Parallel Session 2
The abstracts in this session fall under theme C.3 Utilizing eddy covariance flux networks for improved understanding of carbon-water relationships at multiple spatial and temporal scales . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 14:00 | 134. Wu, Mousong: Optimizing ecosystem carbon and water fluxes using COS and SIF within the adjoint-based data assimilation system (NUCAS)
- 14:18 | 85. Delpierre, Nicolas: Contribution of deep soil layers to the transpiration of a temperate deciduous forest: quantication and implications for the modelling of productivity
- 14:36 | 37. Beauclaire, Quentin: Impact of soil water availability on the modelling of gross primary production of a winter wheat crop from sun induced fluorescence
- 14:54 | 163. Kowalska, Natalia: Does Below-Above Canopy Air Mass Decoupling Impact Temperate Floodplain Forest CO2 Exchange?
15:30 | Coffee break
Parallel Session 3
The abstracts in this session fall under themes D.1 Informing transformative change towards a sustainable future using integrated environmental research infrastructures, D.4 Community Engagement, Training and Outreach, and E.3 Ground-based remote sensing measurements of greenhouse gases and their application for carbon cycle studies, satellite and model validation and building MVS capacity . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 14:00 | 114. León Luis, Sergio Fabian: Inter-comparison of CO2, CO and CH4 mixing ratios obtained by in-situ and remote measurements techniques in the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory
- 14:18 | 36. Callewaert, Sieglinde: Analysis of CO2, CH4 and CO surface and column concentrations observed at Reunion Island by assessing WRF-Chem simulations
- 14:36 | 104. Bäck, Jaana: eLTER RI – an integrated, long-term ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecology research infrastructure
- 14:54 | 229. Migliavacca, Mirco: Monitoring deforestation and forest degradation embodied in consumption and trades of risk products and bio-commodities
- 15:12 | 253. Vainio, Elisa: Carbon Action – Towards regenerative agriculture in Finland
15:30 | Coffee break
Parallel Session 4
The abstracts in this session fall under theme A.2 Drivers of GHG fluxes from productive and managed peatlands: measurements, modelling and mitigation . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 16:00 | 117. Krujit, Bart: Eddy covariance-measured greenhouse gas exchange in the Dutch peat meadows and fens: first results on effects of peat type and management
- 16:18 | 252. Männistö, Elisa: Emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds from a boreal fen and bog as impacted by vegetation and a period of drought
- 16:36 | 186. Valmier, Marine: GHG budget of Irish grassland on drained organic soils and the impact of environmental drivers, management and water table level manipulation on their climate mitigation potential
- 16:54 | 156. Buzacott, Alexander: Variability of methane emissions across Dutch peatlands measured by eddy covariance
- 17:12 | 84. Paul, Sonja: Do mineral soil coverages reduce greenhouse gas emissions of drained fens?
Parallel Session 5
The abstracts in this session fall under theme C.4 New developments in mapping regional CO2 fluxes . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 16:00 | 218. Humphreys, Matthew: Mapping the changing marine CO2 system of the southern North Sea
- 16:18 | 212. Bittig, Henry: A regional pCO2 climatology of the Baltic Sea from in situ pCO2 observations and a model-based extrapolation approach
- 16:36 | 280. Wiekenkamp, Inge: Airborne eddy covariance for estimating regional CO2 and CH4 fluxes in NE Germany
- 16:54 | 265. Gottschalk, Pia: Monitoring cropland carbon dioxide exchange with high resolution satellite imagery
- 17:12 | 164. Scholze, Marko: A new terrestrial biosphere model for combining satellite and in-situ observations into a consistent view of the terrestrial carbon cycle in a variational assimilation system
Parallel Session 6
The abstracts in this session fall under themes B.2 The value chain of (surface) ocean CO2 measurements and B.3 New developments in estimates of the ocean sink for CO2 . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 16:00 | 125. Hammermeister, Emily: State of the art autonomous CO2 system measurements onboard Boaty McBoatface: Results from an 8-day mission in the Celtic Sea
- 16:18 | 273. Becker, Meike: Estimating air sea CO2 flux on the European shelf
- 16:36 | 215. Telszewski, Maciej: Surface Ocean CO2 Monitoring Strategy
- 16:54 | 24. Leseurre, Coraline: Investigation of the Suess Effect in the Southern Indian Ocean over the last two decades (1998-2021)
- 17:12 | 235. McKinley, Galen: Physical knowledge to improve and extend machine learning pCO2 reconstructions
Evening Poster Sessions
Poster presentations
- 17:30 - 19:00
Poster Session 4
The abstracts in this session fall under themes E.1 Emission modelling and atmospheric monitoring of anthropogenic carbon emissions and E.3 Ground-based remote sensing measurements of greenhouse gases and their application for carbon cycle studies, satellite and model validation and building MVS capacity . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 38. Liu, Yunsong: The quantification of national CH4 emissions from in situ measurements to compare with the inventory in Cyprus
- 51. Keller, Elizabeth: Mahuika-Auckland: A spatially and temporally resolved fossil fuel CO2 emissions data product for Auckland, New Zealand
- 58. Zanchetta, Alessandro: Identification and quantification of sources and sinks of carbonyl sulfide
- 86. Rödenbeck, Christian: Atmospheric oxygen measurements support decadal trends in European fossil fuel CO2 emissions
- 91. Koch, Frank-Thomas: Estimating European CH4 fluxes using the CarboScope Regional atmospheric inversion system
- 109. Hammer, Samuel: Experimental fossil fuel source sector attribution: potentials and limitations
- 110. Wietzel, Julia: Quantification of Methane Emission Rates from Biogas Plants in Southern Germany
- 140. Sperlich, Peter: CarbonWatch-NZ: New Zealand’s atmospheric greenhouse gas observation and modelling system
- 173. Velzeboer, Ilona: Oil and gas emission evaluation in Romania using methane and ethane mobile measurements with a tracer gas dispersion method
- 182. Hoheisel, Antje: Evaluation of six years of continuous δ13CH4 measurements in Heidelberg, Germany
- 183. Tonhauzer, Kristina: How to rebuild Slovak Agriculture and Transport to a sustainable future?
- 234. Pitt, Joseph: Comparing different data processing routines for the Picarro greenhouse gas analyser at Ridge Hill atmospheric monitoring station
- 250. Laitinen, Antti: Trends and patterns of Methane and other greenhouse gases at Pallas measurement station
- 52. Boesch, Hartmut: First results from the London Ground-based Column Network
- 116. Kivi, Rigel: Ground-based remote sensing measurements of greenhouse gases at Sodankylä, Finland
- 124. Sha, Mahesh Kumar: Remote sensing measurements of greenhouse gases to support monitoring and verification support (MVS) capacity building
Poster Session 5
The abstracts in this session fall under themes G.1 Abrupt changes in greenhouse gas fluxes in response to extremes: learning from observations to improve future projections, G.2 Effect of winter 2020 anthropogenic and climate anomalies on terrestrial, atmosphere, and ocean greenhouse gas exchange, C.2 Carbon cycle in the Mediterranean region: from the local to the regional scale, and B.1 Better constraining the European blue carbon stock . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 73. Pohl, Felix: Predicting forest productivity under extreme drought conditions: the added utility of daily standardized drought indices
- 100. Migliavacca, Mirco: Aridity mediates the biodiversity –productivity stability relationship in European forests
- 152. Pieber, Simone: Trace gases and air quality in North-Western Vietnam during seasonal biomass burning on the Indochina Peninsula since 2014 – Field Observations and Atmospheric Simulations
- 154. Christen, Andreas: Legacy effects of the Central European 2018 hot drought cause Scots pine forest ecosystem to shift from carbon sink to source
- 203. Loustau, Denis: How long can the carbon sink in old forests last?
- 268. Knohl, Alexander: The winner takes it all? Single tree growth response to explain forest CO2 uptake dynamics in the wake of drought events
- 282. Zhao, Wenli: Extreme events and power system resilience for U.S. states
- 207. Aalto, Tuula: Methane emissions during winter period 2020 at Europe and Northern High Latitudes estimated by atmospheric inverse modeling and utilizing ICOS and satellite data
- 18. Zenone, Terenzio: Application of Machine learning techniques to simulate the evaporative fraction in corn crops
- 27. Mauceri, Alessandro: A new ICOS Class 1 station at CNR-IMAA: a promising hub for the synergistic investigation of greenhouse gases and atmospheric aerosol
- 66. Adame, Jose: Sampling system and measurements of CO2, CH4 and CO in the tall tower of El Arenosillo observatory (Southwestern Europe)
- 70. Padilla, Rubén: Carbon monoxide measurements at El Arenosillo Observatory
- 113. Riandet, Aurélie: In-situ continuous CO2 measurement in an industrial Port-de-Bouc station (south-eastern France) and related anthropogenic tracers
- 251. Krasakopoulou, Eva: Is the Mediterranean biogeochemical functioning susceptible to climate change?
- 228. Diesing, Markus: Substantial amounts of organic carbon stored in continental margin sediments are currently overlooked
Wednesday, 14th September, 2022
Plenary sessions
Plenary speakers
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 9:00 | 167. Nicolini, Giacomo: Direct observations of CO2 emission reductions due to COVID-19 lockdown and their subsequent evolutions
- 9:25 | 50. Turnbull, Jocelyn: Towards an International standard for Urban Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Assessment
- 9:50 | 281. Gerbrand, Koren: New constraints on photosynthesis from atmospheric tracers (δ18O, Δ17O, Δ47, COS, O2) and remote sensing proxies (SIF, NIRv)
10:15 | Coffee break
Parallel Session 7
The abstracts in this session fall under theme E.1 Emission modelling and atmospheric monitoring of anthropogenic carbon emissions and E.3 Ground-based remote sensing measurements of greenhouse gases and their application for carbon cycle studies, satellite and model validation and building MVS capacity . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 10:45 | 165. Pickers, Penelope: Novel quantification of regional fossil fuel CO2 reductions during COVID-19 lockdowns using atmospheric oxygen measurements
- 11:03 | 21. Rijsdijk, Pieter: The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on CO2 and NO2 concentrations over Rotterdam using observations and a machine learning model.
- 11:21 | 131. Davis, Kenneth: Applications of eddy covariance flux measurements in quantifying whole-city urban GHG emissions
- 11:39 | 142. Havu, Minttu: Spatial variability of local carbon emissions and sinks in Helsinki
- 11:57 | 160. de Kok, Remco: High resolution CO2 fluxes from CarbonTracker Europe in near real-time: CTE-HR v1.0
- 12:15 | 270. Ars, Sebastien: Using in situ measurements of δ13C in methane to investigate methane emissions from the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
12:33 | Lunch break
Parallel Session 8
The abstracts in this session fall under theme G.1 Abrupt changes in greenhouse gas fluxes in response to extremes: learning from observations to improve future projections . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 10:45 | 166. Kwon, Min Jung: Siberian 2020 heatwave increased spring CO2 uptake but not annual CO2 uptake
- 11:03 | 129. Hörtnagl, Lukas: The carbon cost of critical heat days at a subalpine coniferous forest in Switzerland
- 11:21 | 98. Grünwald, Johan: Windthrow turns a former old spruce forest into a net CO2 source for 11 years
- 11:39 | 71. Kelly, Julia: Impacts of fire severity and post-fire management practices on carbon fluxes in a Swedish boreal forest
- 11:57 | 53. Beauclaire, Quentin: Partitioning photosynthesis limitations of a potato crop during drought
- 12:15 | 77. Tran, Dieu Anh: Inter-annual variations in Siberian carbon release and uptake period
12:33 | Lunch break
Parallel Session 9
The abstracts in this session fall under theme A.3 Stability of carbon pools following changes in climate and management in organic soils and C.3 Utilizing eddy covariance flux networks for improved understanding of carbon-water relationships at multiple spatial and temporal scales . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 10:45 | 263. Kalhori, Aram: Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Potential through Peatland Rewetting
- 11:03 | 112. Kariyathan, Theertha: Robust estimation of the carbon uptake period based on time series of atmospheric CO2 and analysis of its interannual variability
- 11:21 | 144. Nguyen, Ngoc: Using Soil Moisture to Improve Ecosystem Respiration Partitioning Algorithm from Eddy Covariance Flux Networks
- 11:39 | 79. Faassen, Kim: Diurnal variability of atmospheric O2 and CO2 above a boreal forest
- 11:57 | 22. Dukat, Paulina: How does drought impact water and carbon exchange in the temperate and boreal Scots pine stands?
12:33 | Lunch break
Lunch Poster Sessions
Poster presentations
- 13:30 - 14:30
Poster Session 6
The abstracts in this session fall under theme D.2 Advances in nature-based negative emission technologies, F.1 The role of radon gas as tracer of atmospheric processes, air mass origin and indirect retrieval of greenhouse gas emissions and F.2 Using the ICOS stations for investigating fluxes of reactive gases and aerosols in terrestrial ecosystems. For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 118. Stern, Rafael: Drylands dilemma: afforestation vs. PV fields for atmospheric carbon reduction.
- 28. Vargas Drechsler, Arturo: The use of continuous gamma-spectrometry monitoring to assess soil water content
- 34. Grossi, Claudia: Continuous radon flux measurements: How reliable are they?
- 47. Röttger, Stefan: Measurement of the radon activity concentration at the environmental level: Calibration from lab to field
- 67. Barbosa, Susana: Assessment of radon fluxes at the Hyytiälä site from campaign and model data
- 68. Yver Kwok, Camille: Applications of radon as tracer for atmospheric processes and greenhouse gas flux estimations: strengths and weaknesses
- 75. Rábago, Daniel: Spanish map of radium 226 as precursor of exhalation of radon gas from soils
- 80. Fuente, Marta: Intercomparison of atmospheric radon monitors at Saclay (France) and Braunschweig (Germany) sites
- 25. Gazolli, Gisele: What is REDD+ and how to measure carbon emissions in the Amazon
- 257. Holzinger, Rupert: Eddy covariance measurements of volatile organic compounds above a coniferous forest in the Netherlands
Poster Session 7
The abstracts in this session fall under theme E.1 Emission modelling and atmospheric monitoring of anthropogenic carbon emissions . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 30. Vogel, Felix: Ground-based mobile measurements to track urban methane emissions from natural gas in twelve cities across eight countries
- 45. Krol, Maarten: Inferring emissions from point sources: the use of high-resolution modelling and atmospheric chemistry
- 46. Stagakis, Stavros: Using urban Eddy Covariance observations to inform a dynamic high-resolution urban CO2 flux model
- 69. Chawner, Hannah: Simulating atmospheric potential oxygen as a tracer for fossil fuel carbon dioxide
- 107. Kumar, Jithin: On quantifying the uncertainties in simulating urban CO2enhancements and atmospheric transport. A Lagrangian approach.
- 111. Gachkivskyi, Maksym: ffCO2 inverse modelling in Western European domain confirms emission reductions in 2019-2020
- 177. Ahongshangbam, Joyson: Effect of maintenance and construction practices on carbon sequestration of urban lawn as measured using the eddy covariance technique
- 194. Gómez-Ortiz, Carlos: Regional atmospheric inversions of CO2 and 14CO2 over Europe with LUMIA
- 196. Sunkisala, Anusha: Comparing ICON-ART model concentrations with ICOS observations
- 208. Mashni, Hasan: Small and Lightweight Gas Measurement System for Unmanned Fixed-Wing Research Aircrafts
Poster Session 8
The abstracts in this session fall under theme B.2 The value chain of (surface) ocean CO2 measurements and B.3 New developments in estimates of the ocean sink for CO2 . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 13. Coronado-Alvarez, Luz de Lourdes Aurora: Spatiotemporal variability of the pCO2in the Pacific off Mexico
- 55. Brandon, Margaux: Spatial and temporal distribution of physical and CO2 properties in the English Channel based on voluntary observing ships between 2006 and 2021.
- 62. Macovei, Vlad: A preliminary at-sea intercomparison between two underway pCO2 instruments shows promising results
- 103. Lefevre, Nathalie: Seasonal variability of the air-sea CO2 flux in the Eastern Boundary Upwelling system off North West Africa
- 213. González, Aridane G.: High spatio-temporal resolution evaluation of oceanic CO2 variability based on underway data collected by a VOS line within the CARBOCAN network in the Canary Islands
- 219. Hartman, Susan: A surface to the deep ocean carbon time-series
- 220. Hartman, Susan: A comparison of underway carbon observations in the South Atlantic
- 291. Delmotte, Marc: Results from continous greenhouse gases measurements onboard the Marion Dufresne in the southern Ocean
Parallel Session 10
The abstracts in this session fall under theme E.1 Emission modelling and atmospheric monitoring of anthropogenic carbon emissions. For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 14:30 | 90. Aigner, Patrick: Comparison of a downscaled emission inventory from national-scale data and a newly developed city-scale bottom-up inventory for Munich towards a better understanding of local characteristics
- 14:48 | 128. Hilton, Timothy: Comparison of atmospheric observations to high-resolution fossil fuel and biogenic CO2 flux models for Auckland, New Zealand
- 15:06 | 145. Järvi, Leena: Carbon sequestration potential of different urban green areas in Helsinki, Finland
- 15:24 | 57. Politakos, Konstantinos: Five years of urban eddy covariance CO2 emissions correlated with dynamic shifts in urban structure and traffic regulations in the city center of Heraklion, Greece.
- 15:42 | 197. Aigner, Patrick: Integrated Measurements and Modeling Approach for Greenhouse Gas Emission Monitoring
16:00 | Coffee break
Parallel Session 11
The abstracts in this session fall under themes E.2 Towards operational monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions - the combination of satellite and in-situ data in an integrated system approach and F.2 Using the ICOS stations for investigating fluxes of reactive gases and aerosols in terrestrial ecosystems. For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 14:30 | 271. Zhang, Jun: Two novel open-path instruments to measure ammonia fluxes successfully compared at the Cabauw grassland site (The Netherlands)
- 14:48 | 261. Mammarella, Ivan: Direct measurements of carbon monoxide flux over different terrestrial ecosystems
- 15:06 | 54. Conte, Adriano: Ecophysiological responses of Mediterranean forests to oxidative stress: the case study of the IT-Cp2 flux site
- 15:24 | 256. Marshall, Julia: In situ data needs for operational monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions: building a solid foundation
- 15:42 | 255. Bousserez, Nicolas: Towards a Copernicus Monitoring Service for Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Methodology and First Results from the IFS Global Inversion System
16:00 | Coffee break
Parallel Session 12
The abstracts in this session fall under theme A.1 GHG Fluxes at ecosystem level: Soil and Woody-tissue. For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 14:30 | 231. Rezaie, Negar: Effects of extreme weather events on stem CO2 efflux
- 14:48 | 102. Caballer, Jaime: Linking UAV-LiDAR derived C-stocks and C uptake at the ecosystem level
- 15:06 | 29. Noumonvi, Koffi Dodji: Assessing the spatial variability in methane emissions across a northern peatland complex with multiple eddy covariance towers
- 15:24 | 19. Jhang, Syu-Ruei: Dynamic responses of nitrous oxide emission from a typical subtropical vegetable cropland
- 15:42 | 226. Daelman, Roxanne: Automated chamber measurements of CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes from semi-deciduous tropical forest soil of the Congo Basin
16:00 | Coffee break
Parallel Session 13
The abstracts in this session fall under theme E.1 Emission modelling and atmospheric monitoring of anthropogenic carbon emissions. For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 16:30 | 191. Brunner, Dominik: Simulation of urban CO2 at building resolving scale with GRAMM/GRAL
- 16:48 | 127. Lian, Jinghui: Analysis of the seasonal and interannual variations of CO2 emission over Paris based on 6-year atmospheric inversion from 2016 to 2021
- 17:06 | 95. Maier, Fabian: Uncertainty estimation of a CO-based continuous ffCO2 record and its potential benefit in ffCO2 inversions
- 17:24 | 89. Kneuer, Tobias: Application of a 14C flasksampling strategy on ICOS tall towers
- 17:42 | 120. Kumar, Pramod: Monitoring CH4 emissions from active landfill and industrial sites using different types of atmospheric measurements
Parallel Session 14
The abstracts in this session fall under theme D.3 Enhancing the use of greenhouse gas observation systems to inform, enable and frame policy. For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 16:30 | 217. Velders, Guus: Projections of hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) emissions and the resulting global warming based on recent trends in observed abundances and current policies
- 16:48 | 141. Henne, Stephan: Annual Kigali Index (AKI): A New Measurement-Based Policy Tool for Verifying the Global Phase-Down of HFC
- 17:06 | 139. Saito, Makoto: A high-resolution spatially explicit emission inventory of fossil fuel CO2 emissions from Japan
- 17:24 | 202. Xueref-Remy, Irène: The ANR COoL-AMmetropolis project (2020-2025) : towards establishing virtuous scenarios for reducing greenhouse gas emissions of the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis (France) at the horizon 2030
- 17:42 | 133. Pandey, Sudhanshu: Assimilation of methane plume data with grid-scale emissions maps from atmospheric inversions
Parallel Session 15
The abstracts in this session fall under theme A.1 GHG Fluxes at ecosystem level: Soil and Woody-tissue and G.1 Abrupt changes in greenhouse gas fluxes in response to extremes: learning from observations to improve future projections. For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 16:30 | 180. Hensen, Arjan: To plough or not to plough: CO2 and N2O flux measurements
- 16:48 | 264. van Delden, Lona: FluxWIN – The role of non-growing season processes in the methane and nitrous oxide budgets in pristine northern ecosystems
- 17: 06 | 238. Adnew, Getachew Agmuas: Diurnal variability in and above the canopy of stable istopologues integrated to ecophysiology and boundary-layer dynamics on the temperate Scots Pine forest ecosystem Loobos (NL)
- 17:24 | 195. Bitton, Jonathan: Wavelet analysis as a tool to deduce temporal multi-scale influence of climatic events on a young beech forest CO2 exchanges
- 17:42 | 108. Honkanen, Marika: Multi-scale measurements of solar-induced fluorescence in Sodankylä, Northern Finland
Parallel Session 16
The abstracts in this session fall under theme H.1. Manufacturers Session & Private sector impact and influence . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
- 18:00 - 19:30
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 289. Monk, Samuel: A review of a new to market, yet deployment proven, high accuracy and deep deployable spectrophotometric pH sensor
- 97. Wang, Yin: A portable, easy-maintaining gas analyzer with a dual-ring Herriott cell for simultaneous measurements of N2O, CH4, and CO
- 17. Leggett, Graham: LI-COR Trace Gas Analyzers - Applications for Measurements of Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Nitrous Oxide
- 292. Nickerson, Nick: Applications of the eosAC-LT automated flux chamber to measure continuous GHG fluxes and ongoing R&D
- 293. van Zweiten, Ruthger: Performance assessment of the mobile g4301 Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy analyzer and practical Feedback from field Measurements
- 294. Kirtzel, Hans-Jürgen: FM-CW Wind Lidar “Wind Ranger” and Multi-Path Sonic “uSonic-3 MP”
Evening Poster Sessions
Poster presentations
- 18:00 - 19:30
Poster Session 9
The abstracts in this session fall under themes D.3 Enhancing the use of greenhouse gas observation systems to inform, enable and frame policy, D.4 Community Engagement, Training and Outreach, and E.2 Towards operational monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions - the combination of satellite and in-situ data in an integrated system approach . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 49. Brümmer, Christian: Two decades of cropland eddy flux measurements at Gebesee, Thuringia, Germany
- 82. Vekuri, Henriikka: A widely-used eddy covariance gap-filling method creates systematic bias in C balance estimates
- 92. Adcock, Karina: Continuous measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide and oxygen at two sites in the United Kingdom
- 233. D'Onofrio, Claudio: ICOS Cities
- 192. Cristofanelli, Paolo: The Group on the Carbon Cycle by CNR-DSSTTA: an inter-disciplinary working group to facilitate cross-collaboration on Carbon Cycle studies in Italy
- 41. Nahas, Alberth: Estimating carbon sources and sinks from different land-cover types in Indonesia using satellite-derived atmospheric CO2 measurement
- 65. Fer, Istem: Operational near-term iterative forecasting of greenhouse gas emissions from Finnish agricultural fields
- 78. Kajasilta, Henri: Operationalizing the Landscape-DNDC model through the Predictive Ecosystem Analyzer model-data integration cyberinfrastructure at SMEAR-Agri sites
- 93. Cantarello, Luca: Towards a Copernicus monitoring service for anthropogenic GHG emissions: an Ensemble of Data Assimilation for carbon dioxide and methane at ECMWF
- 106. Dumont Le Brazidec, Joffrey: CO2 plume detection using deep neural networks: application to synthetic images of the XCO2 field over the Paris area
- 132. Miles, Natasha: Progress Towards Diagnosis of North American CO2 and CH4 Fluxes with the Expanded In-situ Measurement Network
- 137. Chang, Dong Yeong: Changes in terrestrial carbon stock related to urbanization in Seoul metropolitan area
- 161. Haszpra, László: 40 years of atmospheric carbon dioxide monitoring in Hungary
- 206. Tsuruta, Aki: Estimation of greenhouse gas budgets in Finland - towards high temporal resolution atmospheric inverse model
- 222. Ciais, Philippe: Towards near-real-time estimates of greenhouse gas budgets
- 227. Kaminski, Thomas: Combined use of atmospheric and other data streams to constrain natural fluxes and anthropogenic fossil fuel emissions through Carbon Cycle Fossil Fuel Data Assimilation
- 285. Commane, Roisin: Quantifying and characterizing sources of CO2 and methane within the New York City metro area
Poster Session 10
The abstracts in this session fall under themes A.1 GHG Fluxes at ecosystem level: Soil and Woody-tissue, D.1 Informing transformative change towards a sustainable future using integrated environmental research infrastructures, and A.3 Stability of carbon pools following changes in climate and management in organic soils . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 14. Murphy, Rachel: Assessing nitrous oxide emissions in time and space with minimal uncertainty using static chambers and eddy covariance from a temperate grassland
- 94. Coimbra, Pedro: A wavelet-based approach to characterise transitory CO2 flux events
- 130. Ammann, Christof: Quantification and partioning of pasture N2O emissions using eddy covariance and chamber measurements
- 149. Delhez, Laura: Assessing soil processes importance from global sensitivity analysis performed on soil-plant-atmosphere model DAISY
- 157. Scapucci, Liliana: Quantifying understory and soil respiration fluxes in a mixed deciduous forest in Switzerland
- 162.Gebremichael, Amanuel W.: Assessment of mitigation options in agricultural grassland for carbon and nitrogen emissions using the DNDC model
- 174. Boland, François: Is shifting from conventional to reduced tillage worth the change in terms of greenhouse gas emissions: feedback from a long-term case study on a cultivated loamy soil in Belgium
- 198. Krebs, Luana: Constraints on ecosystem respiration using below- and above-canopy eddy covariance and forest-floor CO2 flux measurements in a subalpine coniferous forest
- 200. Kübert, Angelika: Long-term methane dynamics of a boreal fen in Northern Finland
- 232. Bell, Mike: Insights from high-frequency soil carbon dioxide flux measurements in a mature oak plantation woodland: dealing with temperature inversions
- 266. Knohl, Alexander: Simultaneous CO2 and O2 flux measurements as an improved proxy for stem respiration
- 267. Sanders, Richard: The Copernicus Cal/Val Solution (CCVS) programme and ICOS: How can they work together
- 288. Petäjä, Tuukka: Introduction to and first results from RI-URBANS
- 61. Van Damme, Freke: The impact of thinning and clear cut on the ecosystem carbon storage of Scots pine stands in Flanders, Belgium, after 15 years of management
- 146. Fritz, Christian: 10 years soil carbon sequestration in managed Sphagnum fields: The choice to harvest or perverse recently accumulated carbon in degraded peatlands
- 159. van der Molen, Michiel: The impact of thinning and clear cut on the ecosystem carbon storage of Scots pine stands in Flanders, Belgium, after 15 years of management
- 245. Di Lonardo, Sara: Spatial heterogeneity of organic carbon stock in soil profiles of a peri-urban Mediterranean forest ecosystem
Thursday, 15th September, 2022
Plenary sessions
Plenary speakers
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 9:00 | 248. Zhou, Chuanlong: Supply-consumption simulations of natural gas in the European Union (EU) countries: Can Russian gas be replaced for the post Ukraine crisis period?
- 9:25 | 278. Guidolotti, Gabriele: Carbon and water fluxes over a urban park area in Naples
- 9:50 | 121. Kikaj, Dafina: Importance of harmonizing radon datasets for reducing uncertainty in greenhouse gas emission estimates
10:15 | Coffee break
Parallel Session 17
The abstracts in this session fall under themes E.1 Emission modelling and atmospheric monitoring of anthropogenic carbon emissions and E.2 Towards operational monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions - the combination of satellite and in-situ data in an integrated system approach. For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 10:45 | 236. Kong, Yawen: Global and regional carbon budget 2015–2020 inferred from OCO-2 based on an ensemble Kalman filter coupled with the GEOS-Chem model
- 11:03 | 64. Pandey, Sudhanshu: Emissions Quantification of Carbon Dioxide Point Sources using OCO-3 Snapshot Area Mapping Mode
- 11:21 | 225. Suto, Hiroshi: The Greenhouse gas Observations of Biospheric and Local Emissions from the Upper sky (GOBLEU): Multi-species observations from passenger aircrafts in support of monitoring of anthropogenic emission
- 11:39 | 224. McKain, Kathryn: One year of aircraft vertical profile measurements of CO2, CH4 and CO in tropical east Africa
- 11:57 | 96. Karion, Anna: Seasonal, Inter-annual, and Inter-city Variability in Methane Emissions in the Northeastern US
- 12:15 | 223. Zheng, Bo: Record high CO2 emissions from boreal fires in 2021 over the past two decades
12:33 | Lunch break
Parallel Session 18
The abstracts in this session fall under theme F.1 The role of radon gas as tracer of atmospheric processes, air mass origin and indirect retrieval of greenhouse gas emissions . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 10:45 | 23. Kartens, Ute: Development of a process-based high-resolution radon flux map for Europe: Not a straightforward exercise
- 11:03 | 172. Chung, Edward: Modelling of radon in application to methane emissions estimation in the UK
- 11:21 | 126. Fleming, Leigh: Using radon-222 to determine 'background' concentrations of trace gases at the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory, UK
- 11:39 | 35. Curcoll, Roger: Atmospheric Radon Monitor (ARMON): Overview of its applications in Spain and presentation of the new user-friendly monitor
- 11:57 | 43. Cinelli; Giorgia: Use of outdoor radon activity concentration and radon flux data for radiation protection applications
- 12:15 | 31. Röttger, Annette: Overview on radon metrology
12:33 | Lunch break
Parallel Session 19
The abstracts in this session fall under themes B.1 Better constraining the European blue carbon stock, B.2 The value chain of (surface) ocean CO2 measurements, C.1 The fate of terrigenous organic carbon along the land-ocean aquatic continuum and C.2 Carbon cycle in the Mediterranean region: from the local to the regional scale . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 10:45 | 240. Paradis, Sarah: The Modern Ocean Sediment Archive and Inventory of Carbon (MOSAIC 2.0): understanding the fate of terrigenous organic carbon in surface sediments
- 11:03 | 254. Roth, Florian: Unaccounted methane emissions offset the carbon sink capacity of vegetated coastal ecosystems
- 11:21 | 276. Veerkamp, Hannes: Measurements of the CO2 gas transfer velocity in Jade Bay
- 11:39 | 179. Capitaine, Gaëlle: The role of quality control into the value chain of ocean carbon observations
- 11:57 | 123. Stamataki, Natalia: Study of pH and CO2 variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea combining in situ, remote sensing and numerical modeling
12:33 | Lunch break
Parallel Session 20
The abstracts in this session fall under theme E.2 Towards operational monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions - the combination of satellite and in-situ data in an integrated system approach . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 13:30 | 169. van den Berg, Anne-Wil: Estimating fire CO2 emissions using a joint CO/CO2 inversion driven by satellite data (OCO-2, TROPOMI) for the Amazon in 2019
- 13:48 | 272. Necki, Jaroslaw: Possible solutions for estimation of the methane emission from coal mine ventilation shafts – source of validation data for IMEO
- 14:06 | 136. Mikaloff-Fletcher, Sarah: MethaneSAT: Towards detecting agricultural emissions from space
- 14:24 | 101. Shahrokhi, Nasimeh: High-resolution methane emission estimates for Melbourne, Australia using in situ data, remote sensing and inverse methods
15:00 Coffee break
Parallel Session 21
The abstracts in this session fall under theme D.1 Informing transformative change towards a sustainable future using integrated environmental research infrastructures, G.1 Abrupt changes in greenhouse gas fluxes in response to extremes: learning from observations to improve future projections and G.2 Effect of winter 2020 anthropogenic and climate anomalies on terrestrial, atmosphere, and ocean greenhouse gas exchange . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 13:30 | 158. Shekhar, Ankit: Increased forest resistance to extreme atmospheric dryness: a case study of two characteristic Swiss forests
- 13:48 | 40. Poulter, Ben: Interpreting 2020 growth in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations as fossil fuel emissions declined
- 14:06 | 246. Zhu, Biqing: De-carbonization of global energy use during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 14:24 | 15. Futter, Martyn: Leveraging Research Infrastructure Co-Location to Quantify Biogeochemical, Ecological and Social Constraints on Landscape-Scale Carbon Sequestration
- 14:42 | 74. Gaube, Veronika: Developing land-use decision-making models as inter- and transdisciplinary tools in LTSER regions
15:00 Coffee break
Parallel Session 22
The abstracts in this session fall under themes C.4 New developments in mapping regional CO2 fluxes . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 13:30 | 260. Grange, Stuart K.: Operation of the ICOS-Cities urban CO2 sensor network in Zurich, Switzerland
- 13:48 | 135. Aparnna, Ravi P.: Mapping of regional terrestrial flux estimations over Indian region by considering the bio-physiological and environmental parameters
- 14:06 | 247. Moonen, Robbert: First results of CO2 and H2O isotope-Flux Measurements in the Amazonia rainforest during the dry season
- 14:24 | 214. Munassar, Saqr: Impact of atmospheric transport on NEE estimates in the atmospheric tracer inversions
15:00 Coffee break
Parallel Session 23
The abstracts in this session fall under theme E.1 Emission modelling and atmospheric monitoring of anthropogenic carbon emissions . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Hertz .
- 15:30 | 87. Defratyka, Sara: Controlled release experiment to verify mobile vehicle-based measurements of methane, ethane and δ13CCH4
- 15:48 | 99. Maasakkers, Joannes D. (Bram): Detection and Quantification of Methane Super-Emitters by Combining Multiple Satellite Instruments
- 16:06 | 244. Röckmann, Thomas: Use of high temporal resolution measurements of the isotopic composition of methane to constrain emission inventories
- 16:24 | 275. Basu, Sourish: Estimating Emissions of Methane Consistent with Atmospheric Measurements of Methane and δ13C of Methane in an Atmospheric Inverse Model
17:00 Closing ceremony
Parallel Session 24
The abstracts in this session fall under theme E.2 Towards operational monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions - the combination of satellite and in-situ data in an integrated system approach . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Cloud 9 .
- 15:30 | 147. Gerbig, Christoph: The Integrated Greenhouse gas Monitoring System for Germany – Modelling (ITMS-M): Opportunities for Model development
- 15:48 | 284. Ott, Lesley: Low latency flux and concentration datasets in support of greenhouse gas monitoring based on NASA’s GEOS modeling and data assimilation system
- 16:06 | 216. Bastos, Ana: Linking regional to global greenhouse gas budgets in RECCAP2
- 16:24 | 184. Potier, Elise: Combination of XCO2 imagery and in-situ CO2 and 14CO2 measurements to monitor fossil fuel CO2 emissions at regional to local scales
- 16:42 | 242. Peylin, Philippe: Final European synthesis of European GHG emissions and removals from the VERIFY project
17:00 Closing ceremony
Parallel Session 25
The abstracts in this session fall under theme C.2 Carbon cycle in the Mediterranean region: from the local to the regional scale . For the full abstracts , see the list of all abstracts.
Oral presentations
All times in Central European Summer Time (UCT+2). Room in TivoliVredenburg: Club 9 .
- 15:30 | 241. Cossarini, Gianpiero: Modelling marine carbon cycle in the Mediterranean Sea under present-day and future conditions
- 15:48| 178. Cantoni, Carolina: The complexity of coastal environments: unravelling the long term drivers combining data from two ICOS stations
- 16:06| 170. Mihalopoulos, Nikolaos: Greenhouse gases at the urban environment of Athens, Greece
- 16:24| 168. Gómez-Giráldez, Pedro J.: Assimilation of CO2 through remote sensing in a Juniper tree ecosystem at the Doñana National Park
17:00 Closing ceremony