

Registration for ICOS Science Conference 2024 is open! Our fully hybrid conference takes place at the Versailles Palais des Congrès, France, and online, 10th - 12th September 2024.

Register for ICOS Science Conference 2024 through Oxford Abstracts here!

Registration deadlines:

  • Plenary, oral and poster presenters: 28th August 2024
  • General attendance: no deadline

Registration is organised through Oxford Abstracts. In order to access the registration form, the participant needs to create an account on the platform. We recommend you use your professional email address to create this (note: if you already have an account on the platform, for example because you have also submitted an abstract for the conference, please do not create a new account).

Participation Fees

In-person participation (€490) includes:

  • Full access to all the conference content on-site
  • Icebreaker Event on Monday 9th September at the Versailles Palais des Congrès
  • Coffee breaks and lunches for each conference day

There will also be a conference dinner organised on the evening of Wednesday 11th September (at additional cost). More details on the conference dinner can be found on our Social programme page.

Online participation (€200) includes:

  • Full access to all conference content and equal opportunities to follow all of the presentations and asking questions online


Click here to register for ICOS Science Conference 2024!


Both attendance options give equal opportunities for participants to listen and ask questions during the plenaries, parallel and poster sessions. Both types of attendees have equal opportunities to present their accepted research work explained in their abstracts either as oral or poster presentations, depending on the results of the abstract evaluation.

Notice: ICOS ERIC wholly condemns the Russian Federation’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, as well as the participation in the conflict of the Republic of Belarus. ICOS ERIC will not accept any payment of ICOS Science Conference 2024 registration fees from Russian or Belarusian institutions paid on behalf of researchers based at or affiliated with them.

Participation policy and rules of conduct


By participating in the conference, the presenter acknowledges and agrees that their presentation slides may be photographed and shared on social media by other attendees. Should they wish to not share their presentation with outside audiences, the author should include this image in their presentation slides or poster.

By registering, participants acknowledge and agree that their contributions (comments on the online platform, questions asked during the sessions in person or online, etc.) during their attendance at ICOS Science Conference may be recorded by a member of the conference organising team. This content may be distributed or published at the discretion of the organisers.

By participating in the conference, the participant acknowledges that they may appear in photographs taken at the event for ICOS communications purposes. The person will always have the right to withdraw their consent and get their photo removed by contacting any member of the organising team or 


Cancellation Policy

Registration fees will only be refunded if the notice of cancellation is received by the Science Conference organising team before 12 August 2024. The cancellation fee is €50. Cancellations after this date and no-shows are not eligible for a refund.



All presentations will be uploaded to the conference platform regardless whether the presenter will be attending in person or remotely. The same online conference platform is used on-site in Versailles and remotely, to ask questions to the presenters. The conference platform has an accompanying mobile app where all attendees can set up their own unique programme composed of their favourites.


Guidelines for Safer Spaces

These guidelines for safer spaces were created to make ICOS Science Conference as safe and enjoyable as possible for all participants. Please take a moment to read through the Safer Space Guidelines here.

If you experience harassment or any other form of inappropriate treatment at the event, please get in touch with our Safety and Wellbeing Representative Karlina Ozolina (firstname.lastname [at] any other staff member.