TIME: 8 December 2021 at 3 pm CET
PLACE: Zoom (online)
Eddy covariance flux towers anchor many of our investigations of land-atmosphere fluxes, including of greenhouse gases. A challenge of these measurements is that it is a top-down measurement over an ecosystem of a time and space varying footprint. Further, assumed homogeneity of ecosystem properties across those footprints is rarely met in reality, adding biases to annual flux budgets from towers. Here, we demonstrate how footprint-aware scaling approaches not only improves spatial representation of EC fluxes but also allows us to investigate spatial variation, while potential reducing other biases as lack of energy-balance closure. Routine application of these methods should be considered in any flux synthesis or flux observing network, such as those part of ICOS.
Ankur Desai is a Professor and Department Chair in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he is also serving as Professor of Climate, People, and Environment with the Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research. He has authored over 150 articles regarding ecosystems, weather, and climate. He received his Bachelor's degree in computer science and environmental studies from Oberlin College, a Master's in Geography from University of Minnesota, and a Ph.D. in Meteorology from The Pennsylvania State University. He is also on the Science Advisory Board for ICOS-RI.
ICOS Cities Talks is a new webinar series on greenhouse gas measurement and climate change in urban landscapes. In the series, international experts representing various fields will present a current topic for 30 minutes, followed by a Q&A session and a discussion. Check out all the ICOS Cities talks here!