Presentation slides and posters

On this page:

Please find below the presentation slides and posters from those presenters that have allowed the public sharing of their work. For more information on what presentations can be found under which session, please search for the presenter’s name on the online programme.


Tuesday 10th September

Plenary session 1–4

Theme 7. Carbon Cycling along the Land Ocean Aquatic Continuum
Theme 9. Combining data and models to improve estimates of regional to global GHG budgets and trends
Theme 11. Quantification of urban greenhouse gas emissions - from novel monitoring to source identification

See the public presentations from plenary session 1–4 here.

Parallel session 1

Theme 9. Combining data and models to improve estimates of regional to global GHG budgets and trends

See the public presentations from session 1 here.

Parallel session 2

Theme 11. Quantification of urban greenhouse gas emissions - from novel monitoring to source identification

See the public presentations from session 2 here.

Parallel session 3

Theme 17. Best Practices in the landscape of Research Infrastructures: Cooperation, Co-location and other lessons learned

See the public presentations from session 3 here.

Parallel session 4

Theme 7. Carbon Cycling along the Land Ocean Aquatic Continuum

See the public presentations from session 4 here.

Parallel session 5

Theme 9. Combining data and models to improve estimates of regional to global GHG budgets and trends

See the public presentations from session 5 here.

Parallel session 6

Theme 11. Quantification of urban greenhouse gas emissions - from novel monitoring to source identification

See the public presentations from session 6 here.

Parallel session 7

Theme 2. Exchange of reactive gases and aerosols between the land surface and the atmosphere in natural and managed ecosystems

See the public presentations from session 7 here.

Parallel session 8

Theme 6. Greenhouse gas fluxes at high latitudes and climate/human induced feedbacks

See the public presentations from session 8 here.


Wednesday 11th September

Plenary session 5–7

Theme 10. Remote sensing of greenhouse gases from ground and space: Their application for carbon cycle studies, satellite and model validation and building MVS capacity
Theme 3. Cross-domain technological development: autonomous vehicles, sensor miniaturisation, low-cost sensors and labour-intense approaches

See the public presentations from plenary session 5–7 here.

Parallel session 9

Theme 3. Cross-domain technological development: autonomous vehicles, sensor miniaturisation, low-cost sensors and labour-intense approaches

See the public presentations from session 9 here.

Parallel session 10

Theme 11. Quantification of urban greenhouse gas emissions - from novel monitoring to source identification

See the public presentations from session 10 here.

Parallel session 11

Theme 15. Science communication and outreach to increase the impact of climate research

See the public presentations from session 11 here.

Parallel session 12

Theme 6. Greenhouse gas fluxes at high latitudes and climate/human induced feedbacks

See the public presentations from session 12 here.

Parallel session 13

Theme 9. Combining data and models to improve estimates of regional to global GHG budgets and trends

See the public presentations from session 13 here.

Parallel session 14

Theme 11. Quantification of urban greenhouse gas emissions - from novel monitoring to source identification

See the public presentations from session 14 here.

Parallel session 15

Theme 10. Remote sensing of greenhouse gases from ground and space: Their application for carbon cycle studies, satellite and model validation and building MVS capacity

See the public presentations from session 15 here.

Parallel session 16

Theme 6. Greenhouse gas fluxes at high latitudes and climate/human induced feedbacks
Theme 4: Processes involved in the greenhouse gas cycle in terrestrial ecosystems

See the public presentations from session 16 here.

Parallel session 17

Theme 9. Combining data and models to improve estimates of regional to global GHG budgets and trends

See the public presentations from session 17 here.

Parallel session 18

Theme 13. In situ data for climate and other environmental services and policy support

See the public presentations from session 18 here.

Parallel session 19

Theme 10. Remote sensing of greenhouse gases from ground and space: Their application for carbon cycle studies, satellite and model validation and building MVS capacity

See the public presentations from session 19 here.

Parallel session 20

Theme 8. Enhancing the ocean carbon sink: the science, verification, and governance of marine-based carbon dioxide removal (mCDR)
Theme 3. Cross-domain technological development: autonomous vehicles, sensor miniaturisation, low-cost sensors and labour-intense approaches

See the public presentations from session 20 here.


Thursday 12th September

Plenary session 8–10

Theme 1. Isotopes and other tracers for studies of methane sources and sinks
Theme 4. Processes involved in the greenhouse gas cycle in terrestrial ecosystems
Theme 5. Impact of climate extremes on GHG fluxes: understanding driving processes and responses across scales

See the public presentations from plenary session 8–10 here.

Parallel session 21

Theme 1. Isotopes and other tracers for studies of methane sources and sinks

See the public presentations from session 21 here.

Parallel session 22

Theme 5. Impact of climate extremes on GHG fluxes: understanding driving processes and responses across scales

See the public presentations from session 22 here.

Parallel session 23

Theme 18. Manufacturers' session

See the public presentations from session 23 here.

Parallel session 24

Theme 4. Processes involved in the greenhouse gas cycle in terrestrial ecosystems

See the public presentations from session 24 here.

Parallel session 25

Theme 9. Combining data and models to improve estimates of regional to global GHG budgets and trends

See the public presentations from session 25 here.

Parallel session 26

Theme 5. Impact of climate extremes on GHG fluxes: understanding driving processes and responses across scales

See the public presentations from session 26 here.

Parallel session 27

Theme 14. Leveraging Direct Flux Measurements Beyond Academia for Real-World Applications

See the public presentations from session 27 here.

Parallel session 28

Theme 4. Processes involved in the greenhouse gas cycle in terrestrial ecosystems

See the public presentations from session 28 here.

Parallel session 29

Theme 9. Combining data and models to improve estimates of regional to global GHG budgets and trends

See the public presentations from session 29 here.

Parallel session 30

Themes 1. Isotopes and other tracers for studies of methane sources and sinks
Theme 5. Impact of climate extremes on GHG fluxes: understanding driving processes and responses across scales
Theme 6. Greenhouse gas fluxes at high latitudes and climate/human induced feedbacks
Theme 11. Quantification of urban greenhouse gas emissions - from novel monitoring to source identification

See the public presentations from session 30 here.

Parallel session 31

Theme 12. Translating Scientific CO2 Emission Research into City Services
Theme 16. Continuous Learning in a changing world - Teaching and learning novel tools & methods used for measurement techniques’, data & policy
Theme 13. In situ data for climate and other environmental services and policy support

See the public presentations from session 31 here.

Parallel session 32

Theme 4. Processes involved in the greenhouse gas cycle in terrestrial ecosystems

See the public presentations from session 32 here.


Posters, all sessions

Poster session 1

Theme 9. Combining data and models to improve estimates of regional to global GHG budgets and trends

See the public presentations from poster session 1 here.

Poster session 2

Theme 11. Quantification of urban greenhouse gas emissions - from novel monitoring to source identification

See the public presentations from poster session 2 here.

Poster session 3

Theme 2. Exchange of reactive gases and aerosols between the land surface and the atmosphere in natural and managed ecosystems
Theme 17. Best Practices in the landscape of Research Infrastructures: Cooperation, Co-location and other lessons learned

See the public presentations from poster session 3 here.

Poster session 4

Theme 6. Greenhouse gas fluxes at high latitudes and climate/human induced feedbacks
Theme 7. Carbon Cycling along the Land Ocean Aquatic Continuum

See the public presentations from poster session 4 here.

Poster session 5

Theme 9. Combining data and models to improve estimates of regional to global GHG budgets and trends

See the public presentations from poster session 5 here.

Poster session 6

Theme 11. Quantification of urban greenhouse gas emissions - from novel monitoring to source identification

See the public presentations from poster session 6 here.

Poster session 7

Theme 12. Translating Scientific CO2 Emission Research into City Services

See the public presentations from poster session 7 here.

Poster session 8

Theme 6. Greenhouse gas fluxes at high latitudes and climate/human induced feedbacks

See the public presentations from poster session 8 here.


Poster session 9

Theme 3. Cross-domain technological development: autonomous vehicles, sensor miniaturisation, low-cost sensors and labour-intense approaches

See the public presentations from poster session 9 here.

Poster session 10

Theme 8. Enhancing the ocean carbon sink: the science, verification, and governance of marine-based carbon dioxide removal (mCDR)
Theme 13. In situ data for climate and other environmental services and policy support

See the public presentations from poster session 10 here.

Poster session 11

Theme 4. Processes involved in the greenhouse gas cycle in terrestrial ecosystems
Theme 15. Science communication and outreach to increase the impact of climate research

See the public presentations from poster session 11 here.

Poster session 12

Theme 10. Remote sensing of greenhouse gases from ground and space: Their application for carbon cycle studies, satellite and model validation and building MVS capacity

See the public presentations from poster session 12 here.

Poster session 13

Theme 9. Combining data and models to improve estimates of regional to global GHG budgets and trends

See the public presentations from poster session 13 here.

Poster session 14

Theme 5. Impact of climate extremes on GHG fluxes: understanding driving processes and responses across scales

See the public presentations from poster session 14 here.

Poster session 15

Theme 1. Isotopes and other tracers for studies of methane sources and sinks
Theme 14. Leveraging Direct Flux Measurements Beyond Academia for Real-World Applications
Theme 18. Manufacturers' Session

See the public presentations from poster session 15 here.

Poster session 16

Theme 4. Theme 4. Processes involved in the greenhouse gas cycle in terrestrial ecosystems
Theme 16. Continuous Learning in a changing world - Teaching and learning novel tools & methods used for measurement techniques’, data & policy

See the public presentations from poster session 16 here.