ICOS Cities logos and materials

The ICOS Cities logo is based on the official ICOS logo. It should be used in all internal and external communications. The logo must be used as provided and cannot be altered in any way. The logo is available in a variety of formats.

There is a black and white (nega) version of the logo. The black version can only be used on very light backgrounds and images, while the white (nega) version of the logo is to be used on very dark backgrounds or images. For ICOS Cities Talks, there is a separate logo version with a small speech bubble. 

For high resolution logo versions, please contact charlotta.henry (at) icos-ri.eu

EU flag

PAUL, Pilot Applications in Urban Landscapes - Towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases (ICOS Cities), has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 101037319.