NUBICOS All Staff Meeting


EVENT TITLE: NUBICOS 2024 All Staff Meeting

DEADLINE: Please, register before 10 August 2024

LOCATION: Business center Edouard VII, 23, square Edouard VII, 75009 Paris, France: 

DATE: 13 September 2024 


Before registering, please read our Privacy policy. You will be asked to accept it while registering.


A draft agenda and more information on the venue are available on Confluence: 


Thank you for registering! It is important for us to know if you plan to attend well in advance to be able to respond with a sufficient amount of time, space, and food in the venue. Coffee and lunch will be served to participants. 

I work in work package
Linking ICOS data to remote sensing products
Enhanced value chain
Sustainability of RI to enhance the RI landscape
Global co-operation
Select the work package that you work the most with. If you are not a project partner, select "Other". 


Please let us know about any allergies or restrictions such as vegan, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, or peanut allergy.

Required information is marked with an asterisk. 


Thank you for your time!