Registration: RITrain+ KEW by ICOS ERIC, Session 2

How to practically manage several projects at the same time

TIME: Thursday 15 November 2024 at 9 am CET


MOTIVATION: ICOS ERIC organizes a 3-part training series on project portfolio management. Projects are a common asset for many RIs, and many RIs juggle several projects at the same time. We can learn from each other the best practices, but also develop together a strategic view for a portfolio and analyzing it as a whole. This is sometimes forgotten when we focus on details of an individual project. This will also improve synergies within the RI community. 

TARGET GROUP: People working with several projects in research infrastructures. 

TOPIC: In this second session we share experiences of managing several projects simultaneously. The session touches themes such as time and file management, but also collaborations and synergies between projects. 

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