Frequently asked questions
Registration and login
How do I register?
Please register your participation here. Before the conference, we will send you an individual link to give access to the virtual conference platform.
I have registered, but not gotten an e-mail confirmation. Am I registered?
If you've already checked your spam folder, the problem is probably with the way our registration form handles confirmation e-mails. Unless you have gotten an error message, your registration should be in the system, and the login link will be sent to you right before the conference (also see the above question and answer). If you want to be absolutely sure, you can always e-mail us at conference@icos-ri.eu, and we can confirm that your registration is in the system!
I am getting an "Unable to send email. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists." error message when trying to register. What does this mean?
Your registration has almost certainly arrived successfully, but our server is failing to send out the confirmation message. This problem has appeared in the last few days, and we are doing our best to fix it! Your link and the instructions will arrive before the conference. If these have not arrived by the first day of the conference, or you want to make sure that your registration is recorded, please write to us at conference@icos-ri.eu.
I have registered for the conference, but have not received a link. How do I login to the platform?
The platform will open very close to the start of the conference, so it's likely that you have simply not received the link yet. If you have not received a link at the start of the first day of the conference (15th September, 2020), please e-mail us at conference@icos-ri.eu, and we will send you a link!
Programme and scheduling
I cannot see any content on the programme webpage
The content on the programme page is organised using a type of fold-open menus which might not display correctly on older browsers, notably Internet Explorer. We recommend accessing the page with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge instead!
How do I keep track of the presentations during the conference?
Besides being found here on the website, all abstracts, speakers, as well as all sessions and times are visible on the conference platform. During the conference you can use our conference mobile app to build your own conference schedule. (Instructions for using the app will be sent out with the login link, as well as explained during the conference.) You can also find recordings of the day's sessions on the conference platform, so you don't have to miss a single presentation.
For presenters
What are the guidelines for preparing my presentation?
In oral presentations (parallel sessions) presentation time is 15 minutes, followed by a 3 minute Q&A. There is a possibility for interacting with the audience, eg. via polls, and we encourage you to come up with questions already in advance. Acceptable file formats are either PPT/PPTX (ie. PowerPoint presentations) with embedded fonts, or PDF. Try to retain a 16:9 aspect ratio. The maximum file size is 10 MB. PMore detailed instructions are available here
In poster presentations the poster format is PDF, maximum three pages long, with a 16:9 aspect ratio. The maximum permissible file size is 10 MB. Please consider that most attendees will be reading you poster from a screen; choose a large enough font (12 pt minimum) and prefer web-friendly colours. More detailed instructions are available here.
What is the deadline for updating my presentation?
Deadline for updating both oral and poster presentations is September 3rd 2020. There is no given time limit for the upload for September 3rd, upload is possible until the end of the day (at 11:59 pm CEST).
Where can I upload my oral presentation?
Please upload your oral presentation slides by September 3rd at https://e.eventos.fi/events/factornova/icos-science-conference-2020
Where can I upload my poster presentation?
Please upload your poster presentation slides by September 3rd at https://e.eventos.fi/events/factornova/icos-science-conference-2020/posters
After uploading, will it be possible to update my presentation after September 3rd 2020?
No, unfortunately updating the presentations after September 3rd is not possible. This is because the conference has about 200 presentations that must be uploaded into the virtual conference platform in advance – and with that many presentations it takes time. We have a professionally produced and directed conference video stream managed by technicians and a studio director during the conference. In order to manage all of this we need to have all the presentations uploaded in advance. This is necessary for building-up an event in a platform that would run smoothly and be attractive enough so that our audience would like to stay there for the entire duration of three days.
Can I test my audio & video devices before my oral presentation?
Yes, you can! In fact, we strongly recommend you to do so in order to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted conference experience. Please book a testing call in advance by emailing tuulia.hakamaki@factornova.com.
What are the technical requirements for having an oral presentation in a virtual conference?
As an oral presenter, you will need a device with a webcam (either integrated or external), microphone and a fast and stable internet connection. Our minimum recommendation is that presenters should have a 5 Mbps/2 Mbps connection (5 megabytes per second for download, and 2 megabyte per second for upload).
You can test your connection speed using eg. https://fast.com/. The upload speed, which is important for sending your webcam picture to us, can be found under the “Show more info” button on this page.
You should also have Skype installed on your device. If you don’t have Skype installed on your device, download the software here: https://www.skype.com/en/get-skype/. You might have to create a Skype account if you don’t have one already.
How will the posters be presented in the virtual conference?
Time has been put aside every day 12:30–14:00 CEST during the conference to visit posters and other exhibitors.
The virtual conference platform offers the option to chat with presenters, so if you are presenting a poster, please prepare to be online and answer questions at least during these hours.
The poster format is PDF, maximum three pages long, with a 16:9 aspect ratio. The maximum permissible file size is 10 MB. Please consider that most attendees will be reading you poster from a screen; choose a large enough font (12 pt minimum) and prefer web-friendly colours.