The General Assembly has approved the new ICOS Strategy in May. The strategy will guide our operations until 2030ies. It identifies scientific trends that will influence the future development of…
ICOS, Integrated Carbon Observation System in Europe, announces that six more stations have passed its demanding standardisation and quality control programme, and meet the high standards of ICOS…
The ICOS Handbook helps to understand how we operate - how is ICOS organised, what and how we measure, and what is the role of the Thematic Centres and National Networks. The Handbook also…
Ilmastotunti-tapahtumassa perjantaina 5.4. nuoret tapaavat ICOSin ja Ilmatieteen laitoksen tutkijoita ja kuulevat, millaista ilmastotutkimus on. Tilaisuutta voi suorata suorana…
ICOS Carbon Portal at Lund University is hiring. Two open positions for people with a heart for FAIR data to work in the brand new ENVRI-FAIR project.
ICOS Carbon Portal at Lund University…
A recently published Climate Barometer 2019 commissioned by the Finnish government, stated clearly that Finns want the climate solutions to be in the center of politics. Around 80% of Finns…
The H2020-funded projects CHE and VERIFY held a joint General Assembly between the 12th and 14th of March 2019 at ECMWF in Reading, UK. The meeting consisted of discussions on CHE and VERIFY…
Cities are hot spots for anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - however, cities are also areas where GHG emission reduction efforts will…
ICOS ERIC, the coordinating legal body of ICOS Integrated Carbon Observation System, has joined the UN ‘Climate Neutral Now’. This initiative invites companies, organisations, governments and…