Olaf Till

FCL Database & Web Application
Olaf Till

Elena Saltikoff

Head of Operations
Elena Saltikoff
PhD (Meteorology)
  • Operations unit management
  • Support & development of everyday operations of ICOS internal bodies
  • Services for the scientific use of ICOS data
  • First contact for EU project proposals
+358 50 593 3791

Karlina Ozolina

Communications Specialist
Karlina Ozolina
MRes (Environmental Physiology)
  • ICOS website content development
  • KADI project communications
  • ENVRI community communications
+358 50 505 6133

Ambient atmospheric nitrous oxide observations from the ICOS/InGOS network 2000-2015

This dataset for historic ambient N2O mole fractions is an important outcome of the FP7 InGOS project (http://www.ingos-infrastructure.eu, Grant Agreement Number 284274). Data from 12 stations have been reprocessed for the period 2000-2015; in some cases involving re-integration of chromatograms and in all cases re-calibrating the time series using updated assigned values for standard gases and target gases. All data have been brought to the same concentration scale (NOAA-2006A).

Ambient atmospheric methane observations from the ICOS/InGOS network 2000-2015

This dataset for historic ambient CH4 mole fractions is an important outcome of the FP7 InGOS project (http://www.ingos-infrastructure.eu, Grant Agreement Number 284274). Data from 17 stations have been reprocessed for the period 2000-2015; in some cases involving re-integration of chromatograms and in all cases re-calibrating the time series using updated assigned values for standard gases and target gases. All data have been brought to the same concentration scale (NOAA-2006A).

Drought-2018 ecosystem eddy covariance flux product for 52 stations in FLUXNET-Archive format

This is the release of the observational data product for eddy covariance fluxes at 52 stations in the ecosystem domain, part of them outside the ICOS network, from the Drought-2018 team and covering the period 1989-2018. The data are in the standard format used for the ICOS L2 ecosystem products and also used by other regional networks like AmeriFlux.