ICOS Near Real-Time (Level 1) Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Mole Fractions of CO2, CO and CH4, growing time series starting from latest Level 2 release

Near Real-Time growing time series containing data from the atmospheric network of ICOS Research Infrastructure for the stations shown below in the tables. This collection contains the NRT hourly averaged data for the mole fractions of CO2, CO and CH4, measured at the relevant vertical levels of the measurements stations, starting from the latest date of final released Level 2 data or the date of labelling.

Stephen Platt

ICOS Norway Focal Point
Stephen Platt
Senior Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Air Research
+47 63 89 8133

Ivan Janssens

ICOS Belgium Focal Point
Ivan Janssens
Professor, Plants and Ecosystems (PLECO), University of Antwerp
+32 3 265 2255

Annalea Lohila

ICOS Finland Focal Point
Annalea Lohila
Associate Professor, Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, University of Helsinki and Finnish Meteorological Institute
+358 50 366 3242