Four more observation stations receive the ICOS label

ICOS, Integrated Carbon Observation System, is pleased to announce that after passing a rigorous quality assurance process, four new measurement stations have received the status of an ICOS labelled station. The station labelling was confirmed by the ICOS General Assembly on 14th May 2024. The newly labelled stations are located in Hungary, Germany and Italy. Warm congratulations to the personnel working at these stations, as well as the institutes responsible for them!

Peter Taggart

Communications Contact
Peter Taggart
MA Russian Studies
+358 50 479 3653

Mariana Salgado

Service Designer
Mariana Salgado
PhD Media Studies
+358 40 585 7727

ICOS stations Rollesbroich and Brasschaat awarded for their particular commitment to data quality

The everyday efforts of the scientists at ICOS stations make a big impact on data quality. Two ICOS stations were awarded in May 2024 as the “ICOS Ecosystem Stations of the year.” The purpose of the award was to recognise the efforts made by the individuals in the community and highlight the importance of good cooperation.  

NUBICOS aims to consolidate ICOS for the future

Faced with all too frequent crises induced by climate change like droughts, wildfires and floods, the need for high-quality science that serves society is more acute than ever. Over the past 15 years, ICOS has developed from an implementation phase to today’s operational phase facilitating frontier research on greenhouse gas (GHG) observations. ICOS provides advanced services and scientific evidence for knowledge-based policy decisions in Europe. Beyond Europe, ICOS is a globally recognised environmental Research Infrastructure within the ESFRI framework.
