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New and updated major data products at Carbon Portal
The ICOS Head Office is looking for 2 summer trainees
Global CO2 gridded flux fields from 14 atmospheric inversions in GCB2023
In this file, we include the data from the GCB2023 inversions on 1x1 degrees latitude-longitude. The variables include the prior and posterior land biosphere and ocean carbon fluxes. The land biosphere fluxes have been adjusted to a common fossil fuel emissions dataset (land_flux_only_fossil_cement_adjusted). This allows the inverse estimates to be compared to each other within this ensemble.
FLUXCOM-X global fluxes collection
The X-BASE products are global fluxes based on the FLUXCOM-X framework which trains machine learning models on in-situ eddy covariance data and uses them to produce these global products. The X-BASE experiment is a basic configuration to serve as a baseline for the FLUXCOM-X framework and includes as predictors the core meteorological data, plant functional type classification as well as MODIS based vegetation indices and land surface temperature. XGBoost was used as the machine learning algorithm.